
Mona Charen asks: How did this happen?

Mona Charen laments:

America is the world's hyperpower. No other nation or group of nations can challenge us militarily or economically. Unlike sickly Europe, we are growing, not contracting. But we are about to be defeated in Iraq by a few thousand cutthroats.How did this happen? It's simple: The only thing powerful enough to defeat us is ourselves, and we've done it.

I completely agree. The US shot itself in the foot the minute it stepped foot in Iraq. It did itself in with a death of a thousand cuts at the incompetent hands of Paul Bremmer. She claims...

The only alternative to the surrenders on offer by the Democrats and by the "realist" Republicans is a renewed determination to win.

But no one can tell us what "Winning" means. Who will walk into the room on behalf of the hydra-headed insuregency in Iraq? We don't know. How did this happen? That we know.

Of course the real title of her article is "Looks as if enemy is getting help from us." By that, of course, she means to imply that Democrats and Republican Realists are aiding the enemy (as if we have only one enemy in Iraq) by beginning to structure a phased withdrawl from Iraq. Oy. Ms. Charen, Bush's whole strategy and your support of it are the support enemies crave. There are more of them than there was before he started. They are stronger. They are better equipped and funded as a result of our occupation, incompetence and corruption. Ms. Charen, please, stop helping the terrorists. Why do you hate America so?


At 8:11 PM, Blogger Mark D. said...

I'm still a teensy bit perplexed about who we're at war with in Iraq now. Can somebody please give me a clue? It's pretty eerie (and absurd) that we can now recontextualize Thomas Paine to be the spokesman of our new "enemy":

"Men of passive tempers look somewhat lightly over the offenses of Britain [now America], and, still hoping for the best, are apt to call out, “COME, COME, WE SHALL BE FRIENDS AGAIN, FOR ALL THIS.” But examine the passions and feelings of mankind, Bring the doctrine of reconciliation to the touchstone of nature, and then tell me, whether you can hereafter love, honor, and faithfully serve the power that hath carried fire and sword into your land? If yon cannot do all these, then are you only deceiving yourselves, and by your delay bringing ruin upon posterity. Your future connection with Britain, whom you can neither love nor honor will be forced and unnatural, and being formed only on the plan of present convenience, will in a little time fall into a relapse more wretched than the first. But if you say, you can still pass the violations over, then I ask, Hath your house been burnt? Hath your property been destroyed before your face! Are your wife and children destitute of a bed to lie on, or bread to live on? Have you lost a parent or a child by their hands, and yourself the ruined and wretched survivor! If you have not, then are you not a judge of those who have. But if you have, and still can shake hands with the murderers, then are you unworthy the name of husband, father, friend, or lover, and whatever may be your rank or title in life, you have the heart of a coward, and the spirit of a sycophant."


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