

I'm not above a little gloating.

im in ur house taking ur seats
Tuesday was a good day. It feels nice to actually win an election for a change. I was proud to have a small part in Amy Klobuchar's victory by helping manage her website.

Already the Democrats are effecting change. Rumsfeld is out!

There were some disappointments, however. Lieberman won. Michelle Bachmann becomes Minnesota's embarrassment, easily one of the biggest nut-jobs in Congress. Hatch couldn't close the deal, unfortunately. Dean Johnson lost -- we salute his political courage for keeping gay bashing off Minnesota's agenda. A number of anti-gay measures passed in states all over the country. We will be ashamed of that in years to come.


At 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes you confuse me Luke. Johnson didn't keep the marriage agenda off the table, they debated and discussed plenty. He just made sure "we the people" wouldn't get a vote on the issue. Something I thought was important to you, ya know, we the people. Just so ya know, i would vote down a marriage amendment. I had hoped early on(Like a year ago) that we would toss Johnson, Entenza, and Sviggum. I guess 2 out of 3 isn't so bad. I consider myself a moderate republican, and I voted for Amy, i thought she was the best candidate.

Scott k.

At 1:32 PM, Blogger Luke Francl said...

Scott --

I don't like ballot initiatives at all. Look at the mess they've made of California. We elect representitives to represent us, it's their job.

And I don't believe anti-marriage initiatives are a chance to "let the people decide." They are transparent ploys to drive a wedge through the electorate.

Granted, I supported the Transportation Amendment, but I would've prefered that the Legislature take care of that themsevles.

At 3:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am depressed about Dean Johnson too.

Did you see that KARE11 story? He is something straight out of "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" -- he truly believed in serving the State. Hopefully we'll see him in the Senate in '08.

At 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I don't like ballot initiatives at all".

That's because you and the other nihilists are losing. You're on the wrong side of history.

"And I don't believe anti-marriage initiatives are a chance to "let the people decide.""

You'd rather have the will of your socio-political caste imposed the country by edict - without the consent of the governed, right, you anti-democratic statist?

At 2:09 AM, Blogger Mark D. said...

That's because you and the other nihilists are losing. You're on the wrong side of history.

Oh sure, a wafer-thin majority calculated by voting fraud and induced by a tsunami of corporate cash, that's the "wrong side of history". On the plus side, pretty much the entire world (which is disgusted by American imperialism and the Iraq invasion among many other things) seems to lie on the right side of history.

You'd rather have the will of your socio-political caste imposed the country by edict - without the consent of the governed, right, you anti-democratic statist?

Actually, the ballot initiatives in question have the effect of restricting freedoms, rather than granting them. How American and "democratic" is that? And criminalizing love and commitment, isn't that the very epitome of nihilism?

At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The referendums insure the definition of marriage will rest with the People and not imposed upon them by edict. It's a very easy concept to understand.

BTW, stick to one topic.


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