
Zogby Poll: Troops want to come home

John Zogby's revealing poll of servicemen and women in Iraq is as sadly ironic as it gets. Zogby's results have 72% of troops surveyed wanting to withdraw within a year. Not only that, but apparently:

"...85 percent of those surveyed believe that the US's main mission in Iraq is to retaliate against Saddam Hussein for his role in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks."


"...93 percent said that they did not think that removing weapons of mass destruction was the reason they were in Iraq."

Inspite of the fact that they are convinced of what has to be a very compelling reason to fight, the troops still want to come home. What that means to me is that that the real view on the ground is that there is no military victory in Iraq.

There is a very interesting trend here. There is no free lunch. When our government abuses the public with lies for as long and as hard as this one has, we are bound to see its efforts reflected in the attitudes and opinions of its citizens. For beliefs like that to crystalize, the troops must be literally soaked in propaganda.

But worse, culture will begin to circulate the same behavior of it's leadership. If the government breaks or stretches its own laws to surveil citizens, why should there be a problem with introducing GOP Spyware to identify voters?

If the government engages in an extended campaign of misinformation, direct lies, evasive spin, secrecy and over classification, eventually, citizens will brainwash themselves. Progress for America's recent "Midwest Heroes" ad was spun almost entirely from thin air, and is a direct reflection of the junk news and propaganda Bush has pushed and we have mainlined for the life of this administration:

You'd never know it from the news reports, but our enemy in Iraq is al Qaeda--the same terrorists who killed three thousand Americans on 9/11, the same terrorists from the first World Trade Center bombing, the USS Cole, Madrid, London, and many more.

American troops overwhelmingly support the mission President Bush has given us.

What great message. If only it were true.


At 10:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow - talk about swallowing the spin.

Let me get this right. Soldiers wanting to come home is not evidence that we shouldn't be in Iraq?

Let's survey soldiers in Bosnia to get a baseline. I wonder what they'd say? How about the troops ahead of D-Day?

Newsflash, soldiers ALWAYS want to come home. I'd be more worried that 15% want to stay.

Its funny to see all the meme's as "truth."


At 11:45 AM, Blogger Chris Dykstra said...

Do you mean, "Wow talk about our service men and women swallowing the FOX News/Bush Administration spin while becoming increasingly disillusioned with the mission?"

The poll, isn't evidence of anything except what it is.

Our service men and women have been completely decieved as to the reasons why we are there AND they do not see a useful role for the occupation in the future.

Soldiers may always want to come home, but they don't always want to withdraw.

At 11:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well gosh Chris, how many people you know there now or who have been there?

I'm guessing not too many.

Zogby is a hack. That's all the poll is evidence of.

You need to get a grip on your yourselves. Here's the fact.
GOP says free Afghanistan, its free months later.
GOP says free Iraq, its done months later.
Hippys say Free Tibet. Still waiting after decades.
Dems say Free Bosnia, how's that going? Had elections? Constitution?
How's things in Cyprus?

Face it. You're on the wrong end of this stuff. You can still hate W and admit that Neo-Conservatism is effective.

So again, what are you comparing the soldiers wanting to leave to? Cause right now, you got nothing.


At 1:20 AM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

Hippys? Tibet?
You damn kids get outta my yard!


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