
MNGOP Distributes Spyware

Think Progress: The Minnesota GOP’s Stealth Attack On Privacy. Wow.


At 6:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Less than 2 weeks ago I got a phone poll with the very same questions as posted on the MPR link. I am disgusted that this kind of stuff is happening in our beautiful blue state.

At 10:13 PM, Blogger Luke Francl said...

The questions are disgusting, but the spyware aspect of this is downright disturbing. No one who gets that CD knows its a voter ID poll.

At 10:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Disgusting questions?"

They seemed pretty straight forward. Do you believe...?

Yeah, they are morons for compiling info unsecurely, but its not spyware. (And I have a deep abiding hate of spyware.) That's a just a meme from the lefties at NPR, like "domestic spying." You all sound like "double plus good" when you parrot it.

And the state isn't blue. Its purple at best these days. (Pawlenty and Colman to whit.)


At 9:59 AM, Blogger Chris Dykstra said...

You have a "...deep abiding hate of spyware" yet seem to ignore the very characteristic that defines it:

Sending sensitive user information to third parties without the user's express consent.

If this tactic were done in the business world it would be illegal.

Take off the ideological glasses. Domestic spying is what it is.

At 10:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You get have your own opinion Chris, but not your own facts.

You get a political quiz via CD that you install and provide info to. What do you think it does?

Talk about needing to open your eyes. Spyware installs without your knowledge and farms info with you inputting it into the application and then it continues to send updates.

This is simply an unsecure (which is bad) tool for screen donors that they have to go to extraordinary lengths to opt into.

It simply doesn't compare.



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