More Trouble in the Bubble
Besides the rather humorous story of Cheney shooting his friend and keeping it secret (hate to see what he'd do to his enemies! *rimshot*) -- here are a few links:
Unclaimed Territory: "Do Bush followers have a political ideology?"
A must-read! Also, recall this.
AP: Senators: Cheney Should Be Probed in Leak
Newsweek: Bush's Bad Connection
Republicans calling for a full investigation of Libby's leaks? Banish these traitors and their liberal law-abiding ways!
Times Online: CIA chief sacked for opposing torture
Funny, the CIA still doesn't seem happy about replacing expertise with neocon ideology.
AP: Gingrich Cheers Frustrated Conservatives
"When you see an American body on an American street sitting there for three days on television because the government can't collect the dead, something has failed." Speaking of Katrina...
WaPo: Katrina Report Spreads Blame - Homeland Security, Chertoff Singled Out
The hefty report find failures at all levels of government (duh) but "lays primary fault with the passive reaction and misjudgments of top Bush aides," namely Chertoff.
It was a state and local problem. The more info that comes out, the clearer that is.
Isn't the president's job to minimize the financial and economic impact of this disaster on the whole country rather than just a few parishes?
Oh wait, I think that was done very well.
Heard this AM, queue Aerosmith -
Cheney's got a gun...
Cheney's got a gun...
hehe - funny stuff. Its getting close to time for Dick to step down and allow the GOP to put its electable candidate into the VP role.
In the mean time your boy Gore's over in Egypt telling everyone we're not sensative enough about cartoons. And he looks like the man to beat. Wow, are you guys sucking. (Hey Al, where were the cartoons in Paris?)
Besides, the economy is humming. Why would anyone think that when it was strong the GOP stood to loose? (As long as they stand firm on taxes.)
I'm not worried about the GOP's chances, in fact it looks like I'm going to have to give up points if you guys keep this up.
"It was a state and local problem" - man you're delusional.
Cheney's got a gun, that's funny. You really think he'd ever step aside? Maybe due to "health reasons." ;-)
Something I meant to say in another recent thread... whenever we resort to talking about the next election as a football game, we're no longer talking about what's important. I'm guilty of it myself...
State and local problem my ass. More mindless Republican talking points.
Hurricane Katrina was a gov't failure to build decent levees, and to activate the military before, not *after* the fact. Bush didn't even know he had that option. It completely overwhelmed the state and local resources, so the next step up was the federal govt which was asleep at the wheel.
Oh, the economy is not humming. Plants are closing everywhere, people's salaries are not keeping up with cost increases.
So let me ask you o nameless one...
The east coast just had the biggest blizzard evar... yet the Feds didn't mobilize? Scandal? If the answer is no, you need to reconcile that with your earlier statement.
So far as your misunderstanding of economics - the US has been loosing manufacturing jobs since the 70's and yet productivity, GNP and GDP are all soaring. The reason wages haven't kept up in the short run is that they haven't had to. (Lingering effects of the bubble and wage inflation.) Draw a long term trend line. You'll see you are mistaken.
I think Dick will step down. But not until there is a frontrunner who would take it. The GOP has a pretty limited field of candidates for 08. They can't go with a senator because they'll want to attack the senate as poor preperation, ineffective change agents etc.
That leaves Newt - who they won't touch. And then a few Gov's that are realistic candidates. The most likely is Romney. I'm not sure he'd leave to be VP. A good part of his campaign will be all the benefits of Republicans (no more tax, good economy) without the baggage (prolife, Jebus told me to invade) To win on this though is to our McCain McCain, and the MSM won't let that happen.
So, yeah - I think Dick would take one for the team and step down if there was something to be gained, but I'm not sure there is.
I think its absolutely legit to discuss tactics and strategy, but they shouldn't be confused with issues. Certainly issues are important, but they also aren't very dynamic or interesting, I think this, you think that, hmmm... But we can have a lively debate over how to handle some event or situation without detracting from the larger picture.
The "blizzard" on the East Coast wasn't a blizzard. It was merely record snowfall.
Merely a record? You sound like a republican now.
I must've missed the part where the record blizzard destroyed 3/4ths of Boston and stranded thousands of people at the civic center.
Mitt Romney?! (oh please, oh please) None of the baggage? The guys a prolife Mormon, perhaps the only thing worse than a prolife born-again. Where did you get the impression he wasn't prolife? Here he is in my hometown paper saying that he is in fact opposed to legal abortions and some forms of contraception:
So if a prolife, Mormon carpetbagger, one-term governor is the best you got, you're in tougher shape than I thought.
Also, it wasn’t the "MSM" who prevented McCain from getting the nomination last time around. It was the despicable tactics of his fellow GOPer, Bush.
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