
Scandal Sheet

Libby is going to cough up Cheney. Is any one surprised by either a) the fact that Cheny drove the outing of Plame or b) that Libby is rolling over? Libby isn't the only one stepping up, either. Jason Leopold is interviewing insiders that say Cheney spearheaded the effort to discredit Wilson and out Plame.

Here's another thingI am not surprised about: Abramoff says he knows the president better than the president lets on. Abramoff says that George invited him to the ranch. That's a lot different than Bush's: "I don't know the guy."

While we are at it, have you ever seen a more arrogant, smug little ..... on display than Gonzalez defending the nasty little spy program Bush has going:

GONZALES: Well, Senator, I'll repeat what the president has said, and that is to the extent that Congress wants to suggest legislation, obviously, we'll listen to your ideas.

Oh, and Tom Brown testifies again today. Since it came to light this morning that the White House knew the levees were breaching a day before they said they did, it should be interesting to watch Heckofajob explain why him and his boss sat on their thumbs while people died.

It is way past time to fire these people.

NOTE: Ordinarily, I don't re-edit my posts after I publish them. However, I realized I forgot to link to the Abramoff story. I added it in.


At 8:53 AM, Blogger Kevin from Minneapolis said...

Perhaps you didn't actually bother to read the news story, but the leak about the Libby case (it is illegal to leak information about ongoing legal cases, you know) was about the National Intelligence Estimate, not Valerie Plame.

At 9:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where to begin...

1. Save your rage about "outing a covert agent." Use it for a real crime like compromising ongoing classified programs. Not exposing the political agenda of the anti-Bush crowd. Cheney and Rove should have been spearheading the effort to dicredit Wilson. He's full of crap.

2. How about the Harry Ried / Jack Abramoff connection? Why not calling for Harry's head?

3. Smug? I think the word you are looking for is correct. (And its an international anti-terrorism spy program, not a domestic one.)

4. Again, state and local gov't are responsible for disaster recovery, what about the Gov's refusal of Fed help? Emails about what outfit to wear to the disaster? The racist mayor?

5. In regards to the leaking of portions of the NIE, you need to research a little thing called declassification authority. There are also executive exceptions that can be granted for sharing some intel product that was declassified. (Think Kennedy and photos of missiles in Cuba.)

Wat its way past time to fire is the MSM...

Is this really all you got? Gonna be another long election nite for the D team.


At 10:56 AM, Blogger Kevin from Minneapolis said...

Just to be clear, I wasn't accusing Libby of any wrongdoing with the NIE, just pointing out the (intentional?) ignorance and laziness of the blogger.

At 12:51 PM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

It's about time their tightly backed bundle of lies starts to unravel. Scandals, coverups, and stonewalling everywhere you turn. That's one of the few good things about Bush's reelection - it provided enough time for his true stripes to be revealed. Time to clean house in the next two elections.

At 2:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To clean house you must offer alternatives beyond "anything but Bush" since that did not work well last time around. How about some plans for Social Security, Medicare, and Victory in Iraq are just a few things that the Dems have no plan for. Or are the majority of Americans supposed to vote for a secret plan ala Kerry's plan for Iraq.

Day after day all these so called scandals and corruption and the best your side can come up with is a pointless effort to smear and fillibuster the hightly qualified Alito after it was clear the filibuster had ZERO chance.

Policy is what wins and the DEms haven't got one that reaches out to anyone beyond the shrinking base.


At 3:25 PM, Blogger Kevin from Minneapolis said...

Still waiting, Chuck, for the connection between Valeria Plame and the NIE.

At 5:03 PM, Blogger Chris Dykstra said...

Party opposite: If you would bother to read the first line of the story, you would see that the NIE apparently contained information about Plame, and that the context of the entire story is the investigation of Scooter Libby's in the affair.

Censored-- sigh. Occasionally you make sense. But I think you know the following in your heart:

- Abramoff didn't give one penny to any Democrat. Indian tribes did, which you know is not the same thing. No Democrat has been credibly linked with the activities of Abramoff, let alone indicted. It's a story of Republican corruption, built by Delay and co. and it is tumbling down around their ears.

- You stand by and defend the competence and leadership of Bush/Brown's handling of Katrina? We have a substantially different idea of what competence means.

- yes. Smug. Congress does not "suggest" legislation to the executive branch so it can "Listen to it's ideas" before approval. That would be, ah, incorrect.

At 10:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris -

How about this scandal sheet
1. Surplus $21BB
2. Unemployment 4.7%
3. Iraqi elections certified
4. SCOTUS Justice Alito confirmed
5. Howie "YEEEEAAAAHHHH" Dean has the DNC coffers down to the felt.

I didn't defend the administration on Katrina, I was clear that it was a state and local problem and Nagin et all have been very helpful in making that clear. Between the people running wild in the dome and Dan Rather, the press could catch Bush porking a girlscout on tape and not have an credability against him.

I'm starting to think mid terms are gonna suck for you. You should have picked up a few seats, even with normal mismanagement.

Say quick question for ya, who has standing to sue over the international anti-terrorist intercepts?

Just curious.



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