MCDM rips off anti-gay flyer for new site
The Minnesota Citizens in Defense of Marriage's hateful anti-gay Gang of 12 website rips off an infamous anti-gay flyer from the 2004 election.
Look familiar?
(Read more about the RNC "Bible Ban" flyer.)
(Update: I initially attributed this site to the MN GOP. Oops.)
Hmm... hateful and lazy.
Tell Jeff what you think of his group!
Jeff Davis
President, Minnesota Citizens in Defense of Marriage
1730 New Brighton Blvd., PMB233
Minneapolis, MN 55413
phone: 651.633.6773
fax: 501.647.7108
Yeah Andy - your intolerance of religious choice and conviction is shameeful.
Hang your head.
I happen to be with ya'll on this one. I don't care who marries who. Its really none of my business.
Especially given the recognition of domestic partnerships, all this really does is allow people to self select for higher taxes.
But these folks do have a right to snivel about it. And whining isn't exactly calling a jihad on anyone who participates...
Haters expect us to be tolerant of their hatred.
Keep the hatred in your cold hearts, and we will be tolerant. Don't try to legislate it.
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