Monaghan builds purgatory
Dominoes guy tries to build his own christian country in the middle of Florida. Jeb Bush breaks ground on the first building. If only there wasn't that pesky constitution.
3/03/2006Monaghan builds purgatoryDominoes guy tries to build his own christian country in the middle of Florida. Jeb Bush breaks ground on the first building. If only there wasn't that pesky constitution. |
Lock the door, its Dominoes.
You nailed this one alright.
No smut on the TV to keep the kids occupied, no buggery, no happy meals on Sunday, God out of the closet and a civic understanding that morality is not subject to the whims of the current fad.
Any liberal worth the name would indeed burst into flames after an hour in such an environment.
I visit central Florida pretty regularly.
This isn't really too distant from the way everything already is there with the exception that its based in Catholicism rather than Evangelism.
Hey - how about that Patriot Act?
"No smut on the TV to keep the kids occupied, no buggery, no happy meals on Sunday, God out of the closet and a civic understanding that morality is not subject to the whims of the current fad.
Any liberal worth the name would indeed burst into flames after an hour in such an environment."
Oh I couldn't agree more!!!!! For sure there's no such thing as conservative buggery, or a religious sex-scandal, or, what was it? Oh yes. A "...civic understanding that morality is not subject to the whims of the current fad."
We all know how immune to corruption conservatives are!!!!
You are soooo right on!!!! :)
Someone should tell Ernest T. Bass there that perhaps the most important tenet of being religious is to spread the opposed to holing yourself up in Buttmunch, FL with a few hundred of your fellow paranoiacs.
I hate to say it, but I think what Bass is doing is very awesome, in fact part of a long tradition of utopianism in America. I would never want to live in Ave Maria, me, but I much prefer a local solution to irreconcilable differences. A town for strict Catholics, with no condoms or porn: hell, as long as those rules aren't getting imposed on people already living there, I say go for it. Better that than using pseudo-democratic means to impose restrictive laws upon an entire state or nation.
I actually like the idea of America eventually becoming a patchwork quilt of ideologies. Wanna live in an abortion-free zone? Move to South Dakota. Wanna smoke lots of weed? Move to Rhode Island. Wanna have dutiful sex with your wife and make lots of babies? Move to Ave Maria, Florida.
Obviously this utopian perspective depends on the idea of easy internal mobility (e.g. all pro-choice advocates moving out of South Dakota), which is often impossible for the working poor. So there are kinks to be worked out. But yeah, I'm pro-states' rights. Unlike the Supreme Court.
"For sure there's no such thing as conservative buggery, or a religious sex-scandal.."
This snarky attempt at pointing out that there are perverts hiding under a cloak of respectability ignores an important difference when applying idealogy as a pre-curser..conservatives don't try to convince the rest of us that perversion is normal or should be celebrated, accepted or yes, even tolerated.
Hence my appreciation that you did not miss "...civic understanding that morality is not subject to the whims of the current fad."
Perfectly put.
Mr. Desrosiers is on the right path, and his introduction of Ashcroft_v._Raich is well taken.
One can only hope that the appointments of Justices Alito and Roberts will result in the application of some genuine conservativism for a change.
"Conservatives don't try to convince the rest of us that perversion is normal or should be celebrated, accepted or yes, even tolerated."
That's complete BS. Name one elected official or highly visible leader of a political party at any level trying to convince you that "perversion" should be accepted, celebrated or tolerated.
"One can only hope that the appointments of Justices Alito and Roberts will result in the application of some genuine conservativism for a change."
That wouldn't be so bad. True conservatives would puke at the notion of using the wheels of government to crush constitutionally provided freedoms. The less guvmint in the people's business the better.
To just what lengths would you go to enforce your idea of morality? Arrests? Imprisonment? What?
Just what America needs -- a massive homeowners' association.
I'm quite curious how far this will go though. What happens if one of the daughters gets pregnant and leaves town to get an abortion? Is she booted for being a sinner? Or will a hair shirt suffice?
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