Hilary goes anti flag (burning)
Sen. Clinton co-sponsors anti-flag burning law".
Why is Hillary noodling over an anti-flag desecration bill? Clintonian triangulation of a partisan issue. Man I hate that crap. What an idiotic waste of time.
Is there an epidemic of flag desecration in this country? I look out my window on any given day, in any given place in America and I see fifty billion flags flapping happily in the wind. I know what I think when I see those flags. "Someday all those super patriotic freaks that just spent $6,000 to have a flag pole installed in their front yards are going to want to burn that flag! Someday they will hate their country and on that day they are going to want to desecrate the flag! When that day comes, we should be ready with a LAW!"
Republican, Democrat, Independent-- whatever you call it, call it stupid. Call it ironic, too, considering if what that flag represents is real, every one of us has the absolute right to do whatever we want with it.
That's why we fly it you dumbshits.
I am almost sixty years old and have been through this flag burning argument far too many times. I do know that if this becomes a law, I will proudly be amongst the first to break it. Hell, it will be the most fun I've had since last being arrested exercising my Constitutional Freedoms.
I'm with you. Burn what you want, short of someone else's stuff.
I'd like to burn leaves. I hate bagging them. Think I can get away with calling it free speech (anti-tree hugger?)
They're maple trees in my yard, maybe I could call it anti-Canada!
If they bought the flag, then they can do what they want with it, it's their personal property. Burn baby burn
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Nikolaus Gerber
I hate you hillary clinton. If you win president I will burn the flag in your face. Back out of the race for the sake of the country. :)
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