Michael Brown plans more disasters
When I read this headline:
Ex-FEMA Head Starts Disaster Planning Firm
I honestly thought, "Is Michael Brown planning more disasters?" But no, he intends to help people develop contingency plans.
It could be a trend. George Bush may just become a freelance diplomat. Tom Delay could teach ethics. You could also learn to swan dive from this guy.
"I'm doing a lot of good work with some great clients," Brown said. "My wife, children and my grandchild still love me. My parents are still proud of me."
Terrific. So that's all of five people who are impressed? Well I'm glad he places a high premium on his family's affection. It's sweet.
Having Brown run a disaster preparedness consulting service is somehat akin to having me start a business teaching people how to wash dishes (note: I am incredibly bad at washing the dishes). Except when I leave food detrius stuck to plates, it is unliky people could die from it.
Its perfect.
You know what they say. Them as can, do. Them as can't, teach.
I thought Bill Clinton was the instructor for ethics, and Jimmy Carter for diplomacy
Donald Rumsfeld will open his own War College.
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