Intelligent Design advocates do nothing to dispell stereotypes
They really must lay off the moron juice down in Kansas:
Professor beaten; attackers cite KU creationism class.
12/06/2005Intelligent Design advocates do nothing to dispell stereotypes
They really must lay off the moron juice down in Kansas: |
lol - I like the part where he can't figure out why he got his ass kicked.
"One recent e-mail from Mirecki to members of a student organization referred to religious conservatives as "fundies," and said a course describing intelligent design as mythology would be a "nice slap in their big fat face."
The prof's proving your point too. I wonder what would have happened if he had written "fags?"
I'm sure the campus PRIDE organization would've given his ass a fabulous whopping.
Well, couple things nobodymn,
First, the question wasn't would they get a "fab whopping." It was meant to illustrate the difference in the way Academia treats some issues. Religion isn't typically a concern while some issues such as GLBT are sacred cows.
Second, linking the "attack on science" and fundementalism with economic woes is just plain crap. (To use your words.) The most obvious evidence against it is that the folks you call hatemongers are in charge, and the economy is roaring and has been consistently for some time.
The behavior isn't unique to GOP either. Liberals have agenda items that preclude science too. Silent spring anyone? Shouldn't we all have died from AIDS by now? Or was it global warming (coldest Dec in how long?) I'm not saying these issues have no merit, but they do share the aura of the sacred. (Especially among Academia)
Linking science and our economy is correct, but the risk isn't fundies, multinationals simple do whats prohibited here elsewhere.
The risk is our education system. There's plenty of money too, the problem is bad teachers with poor skills and training and a lack of science and math requirements in schools. (And difficult substancial courses.) Combine that with the dilution of our educational efforts with crap and unmarketable, unneeded skills instead of science and engineering and America falls behind.
I'd like to see the U of MN cut funding in half for any program that fails to place 80% of grads in that field of study and give the funding to departments that place greater than 90%. Every year, that would pretty much cure all this nonsense on both sides.
reading what you want nobodymn?
I did not advocate cutting the U of MN, I advocated reallocating funding to fields that are in demand as measured by placement of grads in the field. (This would be a market approach, as compared to the central planned style we have at present.)
I completely agree that when markets are allowed to work, they work far better than even the most educated and nuanced planners.
I have no objection to learning for its own sake and I am a believer in lifelong learning, but I think you should pay for your own hobbies. I don't want to subsidize programs that are a net drain on both the economy and the educational system.
Certainly an educated workforce is a key enabler of economic strength and growth. But its not causative. China and India both have more math and science PhDs than the US, but its only the recent freeing of markets that have brought vitality. Contrast that with a place like Hong Kong where literacy isn't universal and even then its defined as "over 15 and ever attended school." The differences in both education and economic success are stark. Education like any other resource has value, but it doesn't cause success.
I agree with you (as do most GOP'rs) on the ID stuff. Its crap. But to deny there's not liberal crap either is silly.
I didn't say there was nothing to global warming et all. Only that there was plenty of unwillingness to look at facts, here's a good collection of examples in much more detail than I care to go into -
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