
Shape of Earth: Views Differ

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How else to explain this New York Times headline?

Secular Iraqis Say New Charter May Curb Rights
President Bush, however, asserted that the Iraqi document guaranteed women's rights and freedom of religion.


At 11:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its called weasel wording and its a popular diplomatic/political activity.

You know, Dems schedule growth of 20% into a program and then Reps cut it to 10% - Dems celebrate 10% gain, Rep celebrate 10% cut.

Its not new either, consider the 2nd amendment - "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."

Now, if you ask me, I say that means I get to have guns if I want. If you ask someone of the far left lunatic fringe they'll say it only refers to National Guard troops.

So ask Bush if human rights are assured, he says yes, the mullahs say nope...

Thats how.


At 11:30 PM, Blogger Luke Francl said...

And the Iraqi Constitution says the mullahs are in charge!

Funny how that works.

Apparently the "noble cause" is to institute an Iranian-style theocracy.

At 12:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, not so much. You're reading too much Kos.

The US founding doco makes mention of "endowed by their creator" "under God" and so on, yet last I checked, there was seperation of church and state.

Same deal here, its just weasel wording to things rolling.

Its not like the left has ever argued unique interpritations of laws etc.


At 9:44 AM, Blogger Luke Francl said...

Which founding document was that?

The one that says all laws must conform to Christianity?

Oh, I get it. You mean the Declaration of Independence. Which has absolutely nothing do with the Constitution.

FYI -- It doesn't mention "under God". That was added to the Pledge of Allegiance in the 1950s to prove we were better than the godless commies.

We are blessed with separation of church and state because it was written into the Constitution -- and tireless efforts by people like me to stop people like you from shoving one religion or another down everyone's throats.

The Iraqis will not be so blessed:

"The secular leaders said the draft, which was presented to the parliament Monday, contains language that not only establishes the primacy of Islam as the country's official religion, but appears to grant judges wide latitude to strike down legislation that may contravene the faith. To interpret such legislation, the constitution calls for the appointment of experts in Sharia, or Islamic law, to preside on the Supreme Federal Court."

Official religion. Check.

No laws that contravene the religion. Check.

Clerics on the Supreme Court. Check.

Congratulations, you've got a theocracy!


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