
Genocide is news

Genocide is news. However, it is apparently not worthy of a commercial.

The superficial "news" media make me sick. They are hurting America.


At 11:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


But aside from greater press coverage what would you do?


At 11:21 PM, Blogger Luke Francl said...

Well, since we ran out of troops on a wild goose chase in Iraq, a no fly zone would probably be a good start.

The point of this commercial is that no one give a shit about Sudan because no one knows about it. Giving it 1/4th the coverage of the latest missing white woman would help change that.

At 11:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, so that'd be a nothing?

There is ample force for anything you want to do...the question is what do you want to do?


At 11:10 AM, Blogger Jaime said...

First, we want people to realize that question is being asked a few hundred thousand people too late. Kind of important in a culture of life, wouldn't ya say?

Second let me say this: there's no way in hell I'd go to Iraq after all BushCo has done to demonstrate that they have no idea what if anything they're doing. And I wouldn't have gone at the beginning of the war, either, because I had said at the beginning that it was all lies, and I was right. But if we had needed bodies to send a peacekeeping force into Sudan - and we could've done that at the same time we started the Iraq War, and not only would it have been the moral thing to do but it would've painted a clearer than day picture for the world of who the good guys are - I would've been one of the first to sign up.


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