
Questions for Jeff Gannon

Some folks at Daily Kos have put together a set of questions they'd like Jeff Gannon to answer. Gannon has said he'll answer questions from liberal and conservative bloggers (see March 1 12:39 post). There's some good ones in there, things that haven't yet been addressed in the media. Let's see if Gannon will answer them.

Here's some of my favorites:

2. Were you paid for any of your work for Talon News or GOPUSA? If so, who paid you?

14. As a novice reporter, how did you learn the procedure for obtaining a day pass to the White House?

16. When did you first apply for a daily pass with the White House Press Corps? Did you apply for it or was it arranged through Bobby Eberle/GOPUSA.com?

20. Have you ever met Karl Rove? When? Where? How many times?

27. Which falsehoods have been spread about you that you would like to dispell right now? For example, will you go on record saying that you were not running an escort service? We feel that this is relevant because of your past articles accusing others of behavior that you now consider "private, personal" information.

I would also like to see him answer some questions about his interaction with the Thune campaign.


At 6:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait, wait. So controversy has erupted over the actions of this Gannon guy, who operates under an assumed name, and now he's going to take questions from bloggers regarding his perhaps unethical behavior.

The question must be asked: Is MDE Jeff Gannon?

At 7:26 PM, Blogger ryan said...


Hey anonymous, please check out our "rules of engagement" in the right column. We're asking that anonymous commenters sign a name with their posts. Thanks.


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