
The heart of darkness - the Horowitz, the Horowitz

David Horowitz's Paranoid Fantasy at Discover the Network

David Horowitz must dream all the time now. Once a communist, a working member of the Black Panthers, and now one of the most vocal and public rightwing crusaders in America - he has finally let the fuzzy demons banging around his head out to play. Witness please, Discover the Network.

Discover the Network is a product of Horowitz's Center for the Study of Popular Culture. He proposes the idea that the left is connected by a web of money and relationships that rule us all with an iron hand. Horowitz names names. Horowitz tells it like it is - at least in the echoing canyons of his delusion.

Every FrontPage Mag reader knows that Horowitz sees liberal chicanery forming in his morning Cheerios. He checks his own mind for traces of liberal thought. Horowitz is so ideologically pure he is incapable of telling the truth - he just doesn't know what it is any more.

Barack Obama/ Abu Musab al-Zarqawi...What's the difference? Horowitz lays their pictures side by side then blames the left for interpreting a connection. Listen to him lie:

"Thus, instead of parsing and analyzing the actual contents of the site – the detailed profiles of individuals and organizations and their links to networks defined in the site – these critics have seized on a quirk in the format, an entirely innocent feature of the site, as an opening for their attacks.

A "quirk in the format," I love that. Like he farted out the pictures into cyberspace and they magically landed in that precise order, a terrorist on every row.

Ramsey Clark/Ramzi Yousef...What's the difference? Horowitz visually connects them then says their is no connection then argues that there is a connection. Horowitz needs counseling. He is having a paranoid split. which end is up? He doesn't know:

The mere listing of these figures in the database was not intended to suggest that there are organizational links or common agendas or coinciding agendas between these individuals.

If that's true, Horowitz and his staff have burned midnight oil to create a meaningless taxonomy. But Horowitz is lying. Of course he is suggesting they share agendas. And oh the nefarious schemes of the left! Oh that Gloria Steinem, for example:

volumes could be written on the feminist and internationalist crusade against football and in favor of soccer, a sport that has never been able to find a professional fan base in the U.S.

Time for your medication, David. Easy, fella. Down the hatch.


At 8:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You're channeling Luke now.

Step 1: Let me tell you what conservatives think.
Step 2: Let me tell you why its wrong.

Step 1: Despite what he says, this guy really means something else. "But Horowitz is lying. Of course he is suggesting they share agendas."

Step 2: The rant.

Here come a couple secrets for you. First, you don't know what conservatives think. The irony is that they keep telling you. Relentlessly it seems. Second, no one is really listening to Horowitz on the right. His only attention comes from a Benedict Arnold-esq self-loothing fascintation on the left. Sure there's a hat tip now and again just because he's so effective at putting the leftwing on defense, but we're not looking in his direction for leadership.

At 9:30 AM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

So, he's like your Michael Moore then?

At 12:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon, you write those steps as if they are inherently bad. That's actually what debates are for: summarizing a position of your opponent and then refuting those claims. Every rightwing blog has dozens of posts using the exact same template.

And Chris, nice title for this post.

At 3:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No John.

Seems like you don't get it, so I'll give you an example.

You wrote, "That's actually what debates are for: summarizing a position of your opponent and then refuting those claims."

I disagree, explaining your position and offering evidence for your own position is the purpose of debate. The simple fact another position is wrong doesn't make any other position more right.

In this case, I didn't summerize your position, I quoted you. This is important because its not my impression of your position.

Had I channeled Luke it would be more like this...

John thinks that debate is all about proving people wrong, he doesn't even care he's right!

I think the difference is self evident.

Hope this helps you.

At 2:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Chuck: Once a tool, always a tool.


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