Republican Creds on display in the 6th
It's pretty obivious that Mark Kennedy's early abdication of his congressional seat in order to pursue a Senate seat will make for a Republican knife fight in the 6th district. Two Republicans have announced, state Sen. Michele Bachmann of Stillwater and state Sen. Jim Knoblach of St. Cloud, and Secretary of State Mary Kiffmeyer has made eyes-on-the-prize noises. Today, Cheri Yecke threw her hat in the ring.
Bachman contorted history a couple of years ago when she rallied the troops in support of hanging the Ten Commandments in schools "The founders of the United States -- including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson recognized the Ten Commandments as the foundation of our laws." Knoblach has scored a 100 from the Taxpayers League and Minnesota Citizens concerned for Life (Bachman scores the same). During her term as Commissioner of Education in Minnesota, Yecke attempted to re-write the history standards for the state to jibe with her own intensely religious convictions. Yecke doesn't believe in and publicly argues against the separation of Church and State using arguments largely constructed of imaginary facts. Kiffemeyer, should she choose to run, can stack her wingnut creds against anybody's. All she has to do is remind us how she ran out of voter registration cards and attempted to scare the bejeesus out of voters by crying Terrorist! shortly before the general election.
With resumes like these, it should be vomitous fun to watch the conservative Olympics.
I'm still shocked that a radical holier-than-thou loony like Yecke was briefly in charge of our state's education. *shudder*
Keep your "Hate-America" church out of my government, mm-kay?
Rather than welcoming our expertise and accepting our offers to help, however, Commissioner Yecke and her allies dismissed our commentary and accused us of promoting a “hate-America agenda.” [...] we witnessed how a particular ideological agenda was driving the entire process. For example, in a discussion of the kindergarten Civics standard describing the “virtues of good citizens,” the subcommittee decided to omit “sharing and cooperation” because these were too “socialist.” At another meeting, the subcommittee agreed that it would be inappropriate to teach middle school students about the economics of slavery, because the knowledge that human beings were bought and sold as merchandise might “prejudice the students against a free market economy.”
So with Wetterling running for Dayton's senate seat, who will run from the DFL? This could be good press for a statewide office run for someone later, although the 6th is pretty obviously going to stay in Rep hands.
As for the seat, I think its Kiffmeyer's if she wants it and if not Knoblach can carry it. He's an MBA, not a JD and that will play well. But he's a big spender and that might hurt him in an all GOP primary. Bachmann is real party line animal - could be an easy primary, but tougher campaign if she goes. I think if Kennedy endorses her, she's still a shoe-in.
Yecke has good state-wide name recognition, but is percieved as damaged goods and at the same time is viewed as a victim of DFL politics. I don't think she has a big machine for fund raising, unless she coughs up some bucks, I figure she's an also ran.
Look for Patty to be the Candidate.
After she 'explores' her Senate Candidacy, she will realize the best hope is to have Amy running for the Senate seat and herself taking another shot at the 6th.
Don't count her out, she has the best chance of any DFLer to regain the 6th.
I agree. I think she will have learned a ton from her early campaign hiccups and could move prove a very attractive choice for people who just can't stomach the extremism of the proposed republican slate.
On the Republican side, this is going to be an interesting contest to see which candidate can be the most conservative during the primaries...should be fun to see the winner try to pivot back to the middle-right for the general election.
If the DFL and bloggers can hold the candidate to their earlier statements...oh, it could be glorious.
Actually this could be the lesson in civility you have all been crying for.
You'll see how the grown-ups debate facts and come to a consensus without slashing each others throats ala the DNC.
Watch and learn.
Actually this could be the lesson in civility you have all been crying for.
You'll see how the grown-ups debate facts and come to a consensus without slashing each others throats ala the DNC.
Watch and learn.
Phil Krinkie threw his hat into the ring as well... this gang is nuttier than a Payday bar. Should be interesting.
Grown-up debates? Facts? Heh. Doesn't exactly sound like Bachmann, Yecke or Kiffemeyer's style.
I'd love it if they stayed civil. That means a democrat wins. Heck, Kennedy couldn't make it against Patty Weterling without comparing her to Bin Laden.
Civil. Fat chance.
Grown-up debates? Facts? Heh. Doesn't exactly sound like Bachmann, Yecke or Kiffemeyer's style.
Just because YOU don't like the message they bring to the table doesn't make them wrong, or evil as YOU would like people to believe. I think the majority is really starting to figure that out. Example for ya: Yesterday they announced that the budget deficit was going to be a little less because of revenue above what they thought was comming into the state. Not earth shattering but never the less some good news lately when it comes to our budget. What's the first thing you hear from a democrat after this news. BITCHING and COMPLAINING about this and that. I believe that I'm falling into the majority that are sick and tired of your message. Whatever that message is, I don't think It's attaking everything the repub's do is it? Thats not a message, It's annoying and It's become old hat. For 5 self proclaimed smarter than the rest of us Libs, not so impressive.
Will there be a bitter knock down drag out primary? Doubtful. The GOP will decide the nomination the way they usually do. Fund raising.
It won't matter who's the best candidate, only who has the war chest to get elected. Anxious not to alienate the donors, the rest of them will get out of the way.
But even if they go after each other, it won't matter. The MSM doesn't cover GOP primaries, nor would it acknowledge the blogs that would.
I happen to think its a safe GOP seat. Kiffmeyer, Knoblach or Bachmann, any of them could win, even against Wetterling. I think she'll see that too which is why she may run for something else, but won't do the 6th again.
If you conceed I'm right about that (and you don't have to, in order to answer the question) Who is the DFL going to run?
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