
Anonymous, cybersquatter

Minnesota Democrats Exposed registered a bunch of DFL-inspired domain names and pointed them to his site (thanks for the tip-off, Flash -- his readers are the ones who uncovered this). Now he calls on all bloggers to support both his right to cybersquat and his right to remain anonymous.

Anonymous speech is important. Cybersquatting is lame, but can be useful, if you do something worthwhile with the domains (highly debatable in this case).

What I think is slimy is that he wants to do both at once. He allows his blog to be used as an unofficial propaganda wing of the Minnesota Republican Party, but he has no accountability. It's no secret that online, named voices have more credibility. MDE wants credibility without paying that price.

Why does he hide his identity? My personal theory is that he's a high-level volunteer for the Minnesota Republicans, sort of like my role with the DFL. If his identity was known, his connections to the party could be traced, and his reputation could be damaged because of what he has posted there, and how he's allowed the Republicans to use him. Also, he might be a gay male prostitute. You never know.


At 12:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Notice also the slow stifling of dissent at MDE. The Exposer used to link to left-wing blogs. No more. The Exposer used to allow comments. No more.

At 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe, was it just me that read this as,

Luke wrote,

"Also, he might be a gay male prostitute. You never know."


"sort of like my role with the DFL."

Something you want to share with the group?

I kid, I kid...

At 11:14 AM, Blogger Luke Francl said...

Heh, busted! ;)

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Luke Francl said...

It's an educated guess (Republican, blogger, juvenile...you do the math), plus ease of English usage for myself.


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