

Republican "strategists" feigning surprise on Sunday morning talk TV as they defend the latest pile of dung thrown into the fan by their colleagues is seriously good kabuki.

Talking Points Memo is doing a good job of covering this little gem below:

Here it is in it's native glory.

The gist of it is - The AARP had the temerity to oppose the Bush administration's plan to privatize social security. Therefore, regardless of their past support for the medicare bill, they will be ruthlessly crushed. Thus a little Swiftboat organization springs to life and - Whoop! - Presto! - The AARP hates the military and loves gay weddings.

Now watch - During this argument, the right will call the left Homophobic for raising the issue.

Chuck sez:
UPDATE: Stop USA Next - Sign the Petition
AARP Social Security Blog


At 8:08 PM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

This piece of crap is exactly what's wrong with Republican politics. Yes, specifically Republican politics. They are really destroying this country to ram their agenda down our throats. Their methods are reprehensible.

At 8:42 PM, Blogger tom.elko said...

Your right Chuck, but the black & white of politics tells you their just making their own rope. I mean, are they serious, attacking a seniors organization? Overhauling Social Security? If we can't stop them on this, we can't even stop shit from sliding down a hill.

Its pretty fundamental. They're falling into a trap, and we have to make sure that we snap down on their leg hard enough that they have to chew the fucker off to live another day.

Their methods are reprehensible, their goals are even worse. Our message should be "Tell Bush to keep his hands off of your money."

At 12:18 AM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

Right you are Tom.

AARP folks aren't buying it.

At 1:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a plot! A plot against our POOPERS by the America-hating AARP!

At 10:38 PM, Blogger Moses said...

The Republican Party: When you don't support us, you must be gay, or French, or socialists, or...

Great tactic... not.

Anybody notice this:
Yowling from the Fencepost: Wingnut gay/AARP-bashing - I must be seeing things.Short version: The military dude on the left side of that ad looks kind'a like someone else to me... say, a certain AWOL fighter pilot, maybe.

At 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if signing the petition is such a great idea. I think they're clearly begging for controversy and the exposure that will come with it.


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