
Only Nixon could go to China

There's an old Vulcan saying that "only Nixon could go to China."

George W. Bush has the singular combination of will and ruthlessness that Nixon had. I wonder what unexpected triumph our new Imperial President could accomplish?

My off-the-wall possibility is finally dragging the US into the 18th Century and switching to the metric system.

What do you all think Bush could do if he set his mind to it?


At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Er...teach liberals the art of logical argument and rational appraisal?

Nah. Not ruthless enough.

At 12:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, even if bush put "his mind to it" we would still be relying on the broken clock effect for our results.

Whatever you may think about Nixon and Kissinger (and there are plenty of black marks against them), their China Policy was a very carefully considered plan.

The blind resolve and "hard" work of a chimp President and his vocal goon squad can't compensate for flawed policy decisions.

In the end, if any positive results occur, it will be in spite of, not because of,their policy...


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