The current dual blogoshpere feeding frenzies on the media have raised interesting issues. The right is breaking its arms patting itself on the back for forcing Eason Jordan to step down over at CNN. The left, including me, have been investigating and outing literal and figurative whore Jeff Gannon/Jim Guckert. Both sides are performing impressive contortions in order to ignore the points of the other.
Meanwhile all kinds of MSM/SCLM mainstays are lamenting the rise of the blogosphere. The WSJ calls those who had it out for Jordan "Amateuers with Vendettas." Others describe them as salivating morons who make up the lynch mob.
The entire debate adds fuel for both sides to acuse the other of bias. Nobody, at least that I could find, is calling those that outed JimJeff a "lynch mob," that's reserved for the Easan brigade, ergo the lynch mob is "conservative." On the other hand, Wolf Blitzer certainly cozied up to JimJeff and rubbed his tummy in his vaunted exclusive interview. There have been plenty of commentators who are calling the presence of a call boy with a fake identity running around the White House a tempest in a teapot. Eason or no Eason, there is still plenty of rightwing jabber in prime time news coverage.
Me - I'm just sick of agendas. I want the truth. Anybody that saw the "Control Room" is familiar with the idea that the US military might target journalists. I am not saying that that they do. I am saying it isn't unthinkable. It would be good to find out. However, I don't want the senior newsperson at one of the most influential networks in the world to start throwing around unsubstantiated accusations. I do not mourn Eason's resignation for that reason. He should have known better than to shoot off his big mouth. Likewise, I did not mind watching Rather fry. I was pissed off that Rather's greed and ego killed the story of Bush's escape from the National Guard and his descent into drinking and drugging. Rather was a tool and deserved to go down for buying a complete load of dung and liberally spraying it all over the US.
The same goes for those crying foul as JimJeff is burned at the stake. Anybody who is outraged over Eason should be furious over the JimJeff fiasco. He is just the latest stinking, writhing worm to emerge out of a White House that is engaging in an active campaign to infuse our daily lives with misleading propaganda. They do it by editing government websites for ideological correctness; they do it by paying journalists; they do it by producing fake newscasts; they do it by squeezing the truth out of their message until all that's left is spin; they do it by staffing the White House Press Corps with whores. Enough is enough.
When will the right begin to hunger for the truth from this White House? When will both sides begin to demand equal levels of integrity from their respective blamethrowers? I am thirsty for integrity.
Update: Chuck O. Kindly pointed out that I mistakenly referred to the "Control Room" as the "War Room" in the original post. I corrected the mistake.
Dykstra, thankfully for you, your mendacity is overshawdowed by desperate cluelessness.
Your thirst for veracity will go unquenched as long as you race towards mirages like Americablog to wash down your own lies.
I found the colorful collage of disembodied head-shots amusing, but the screenshot of someone's MSword document file as proof sent me into fits of uncontrolled laughter.
I's true. There is something mesmorizing about watching a train wreck!
Maybe we should alert Time magazine. ROTFLMAO!
Would Gannon have to personally offer to suck you off before you believed this? Talk about your doubting thomas.
Swiftee, look deep within your wingnut heart and ask yourself this question: If a former (?) prostitute (gay, straight or misc) writing under a fake name for say Media Matters (or any other blatantly liberal news organization) was able to get regular access to the press briefings of the Clinton administration, how would you react? How would you react if that same prostitute was given access to classified information? How would you react if that prostitue plagarized talking points from the White House and the DNC and passed it off as news? Try to be honest Swiftee.
And while you're at it, look at the photos again. They're of Gannon and you know it.
"If a former (?) prostitute (gay, straight or misc) writing under a fake name for say Media Matters (or any other blatantly liberal news organization) was able to get regular access to the press briefings of the Clinton administration, how would you react?"
It wouldn't surprise me in the least and that is the God's honest truth. After all, all it only took a dowzy airhead a couple of BJ's to get access to Clinton's briefs.
"How would you react if that same prostitute was given access to classified information?"
The information that Gannon supposedly, allegedly (there isn't a shred of evidence of this either)had access to was floating all over the place. There is an investigation into how that happened, but the fact that gannon may or may not have seen anything is a non-factor.
"How would you react if that prostitue plagarized talking points from the White House and the DNC and passed it off as news?"
Are you fucking nuts(?), really. Do you ever watch the news? Ever read Helen Thomas?
"And while you're at it, look at the photos again. They're of Gannon and you know it."
I don't know shit, and neither do you. Those photos, on one obscure, moonbat blog came from an uncredited source purportedly from websites for which there are no archives and no longer exist.
Before that, Dykstra was making the same definitive statements of fact about four other sites that never existed. WTF?
There is only one picture that is purported to be Gannon in which the head and the body are in the same frame and all it shows fer sure is a naked bald guy...gee, that doesn't describe 80% of the homos floating around does it?
The moron at Americablog pasted a friggin' screenshot of some unnamed sources MSWord folder fer Chrissakes!
You are all nuts!
Gannon says it's not him. If this guy is who you are all praying for him to be, there is some evidence somewhere...find it or take a friggin' pill!
This is the fucking internet John, lots of wierd crap happens out here.
How would you like it, John, if some unnamed person started floating headshots that looked like YOU around and claimed you were molesting kids?
Sure, there would be a link to some business that happened to be in the same town you live in, a couple of screendumps with John.kdyprn files and viola! You're a friggin scumbag being stalked all day.
You think you'd be a little more discerning of the quality of the evidence?
Then use the same judgement here.
Swiftee, you're the biggest joke around. Although you so rarely make me laugh.
There is only one picture that is purported to be Gannon in which the head and the body are in the same frame and all it shows fer sure is a naked bald guy...gee, that doesn't describe 80% of the homos floating around does it?If you want a description of 80% of gays I would say blue jeans and a black leather jacket would fit the profile. They also like to have big, powerful hogs between their legs. Oh, by the way, nice profile Swiftee. You're either one pony tail, or a few more years of male pattern baldness away from being nominated prom queen.
It may be mesmorizing to watch a train wreck, but its downright painful to watch a mid-life crisis in process.
You think you'd be a little more discerning of the quality of the evidence?Instead of worrying about the life of Jeff Gannon being ruined by questionable evidence, why don't you focus your putrid little mind on the 1,500 soldiers who died because assholes like you weren't a little more discerning of the quality of evidence for a fucking war?
You maintain the ability to criticize, yet seem to have lost the ability to think critically.
Well I gotta admit it "tom", you got me there. I really don't keep up with what's going on out there in gay-land so I'll take your word for what fashions are popular.
You know, I've never had so many "men" worried about my hair "tom" (it's actually creeping me out), and again, I don't want to minimize your own experience but take my word for this..it'd take more than a haircut to hang a dress on me.
Finally, if you'd spend a bit less time gazing (I hope like hell that's all you're doing "tom")at my profile picture and more time reading the blog you'd know that I didn't support our going into Iraq when and how we did.
But now that were there I want us to win and win big.
I don't know why anyone would waste time reading your blog, Swiftee, given the nature of your junior high prankster comments here. But - I'm sure surprised you didn't support when/how we went into Iraq. Feel free to drop a link.
I'm slightly confused, yet unfortunately not surprised, how much energy you're expending to defend a sleazeball like Gannon.
Tom and Chuck, Swiftee Is why I come to your blog. He is the only entertaining thing about this site. Unless of course you enjoy reading 4 or 5 people hate monger on our country daily. Show total disrespect for the position of the presidency in this country. And basically whine about your sorry lifes and blame it on someone else. if not for the trolls, there would be the 5 of you, telling each other how smart you are. How much fun would that be?
That last was mine..
Well, having a court jester (read: assclown) like Swiftee sure does make things interesting.
I should know better to respond to a troll like you Anon, but I don't mind saying it for the slow and hard of hearing: We New Patriots love this country. We want it to be better. If you want uncritical kissing of the President's ass, go visit the Northern Alliance. We're here to keep him hones. We're here to keep the neocons and holier-than-thous in check. We're here to give Swiftee a purpose in life.
By the way, I just wanted to say that Chris is actually talking about the film Control Room, which covers the bombing of the Baghdad hotel full of journalists by the U.S. military, even though they had been given the coordinates and knew of their presence.
The War Room is another fine documentary by some of the same people about Clinton's first run for president, focusing mostly on the wacky duo of Carville and Stephanopolous.
Chuck-- you are totally right. Sorry folks.
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