Put blinders on, take happy pill, join GOP
The following guote is from the home page of the US Commission on Civil Rights:
On January 7th, 2005, the Commission adopted a new policy on the public release and posting of reports and Commission documents. To comply with that new policy, the website has been updated and several draft reports that failed to receive a majority of Commissioners' votes have been removed. Those reports are available upon request.
In case you missed it, this is another example of your Republican government censoring information that casts Republicans or pet republican issues, and in particular the Republican-in-chief, in an unfavorable light.
Up until now, all publications were free to download on the website - good, bad, ugly. Now, the commissioners have removed 19 reports, including the humdinger: Redefining Rights in America The Civil Rights Record of the George W. Bush Administration, 2001–2004.
Fortunately, the Memory Hole has posted 17 of the missing reports.
It just doesn't matter if you are for or against Bush, or agree or disagree with whatever is in the reports. It isn't acceptable to submit objective analysis, the output of an "independent" "bipartisan" commission, to ideological litmus tests. Wrong, wrong, wrong.
Come on. The civil rights administration is joke. Need evidence?
The change is dated over a month ago, and its just now that anyone even noticed.
Even though all these documents are so vitally important no one can even come up with all of them.
Get outraged about something important.
You stop the small things, it's easier to stop the big things.
Censorship of any kind has no place in the US government. No commissioner on the Civil Rights Commission (why on earth do you think it's a joke?) should ever have to worry that his/her findings need to conform to the prevailing political winds.
Well help me out Chris, what important meaningful work do you credit them with?
This site censors. Ryan has said so. Does that make it worthless?
You waste time and effort on little things and you're unable to respond to big ones.
This site censors. Ryan has said so.Ugh. I deleted two 3-4 word comments were basically just name-calling. The poster had already made his/her point in the comments of another post and I certainly wan't attempting to keep the fact that an anonymous poster thinks that "hypo-chris" is an awesome phrase.
If someone attached a sign that said "Bush sucks" to the fence around the white house, would removing it be censorship?
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