Pioneer Press on Minnesota blogs
We're featured in a Pioneer Press article today about Minnesota blogs (there's also a sidebar with a short list of Minnesota blogs).
Thanks for contacting us about the article, PiPress. Oh wait. You didn't.
Hmmm... Only twelve blogs in Minnesota, according to the story's supplemental list, eh? Not much of a phenomenon, I guess. Must've been a slow news day in St. Paul. I'll bet they searched for hours online for as many MNblogs as they could find.
Why did I read this story as just one more promo piece for the wingnut bloggers? I must be getting more jaded with every passing day.
"Why did I read this story as just one more promo piece for the wingnut bloggers?"
Probably because you don't know any more about blogs or politics than the author of that story does. is a Right leaning blog?
Eva Young, the nut job propreitor of that site also runs a little internet sewer called "USAQUEERS" which she and a (get this) racist, white power homosexual slimeball started when their earlier home away from home"USQUEERS" got shut down by the Department of Justice.
"I must be getting more jaded with every passing day."
Yea, jaded..or something else.
Can you even read?
The woman who runs Dump Bachmann is a Republican. That makes her right-leaning.
Considering that a good 75% of the column space was given over to quoting or fellating conservative bloggers (not to mention the one quote taken from this website rips on Mark Dayton), I'd say this was yet another promo piece for rightwing bloggers.
You're probably just sad your site didn't get a link.
"Thanks for contacting us about the article, PiPress. Oh wait. You didn't".
Because you just don't rate.
Seriously. I came here hoping for a better grade of discussion than I've seen. I've been disappointed. New Patriot gets a lot more attention than its content or traffic deserve, mainly because the local media is so frantic to have SOMEONE on the left to refer to (see: your Almanac appearance).
Oh, and being Republican doesn't make one right-leaning by itself. Eva Young is one of those pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, anti-gun, tax-hiking, pro-social-welfare "conservatives" we hear so much about.
Luke, you really are a moron. Seriously.
Federalist -- I believe that kind of Republican used to be called a "moderate". They are now mostly extinct.
Regarding our Almanac appearance, it's even more sinister than you think. Get this -- Chuck Olsen worked at TPT and he suggested us to the Alamanac producers! (cue spooky music)
So, yes, we've been fortunate in our two media appearances so far.
"Eva Young is one of those pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, anti-gun, tax-hiking, pro-social-welfare "conservatives" we hear so much about."
I wouldn't give her even that.
I happen to know Eva Young personally. She is a certified nutjob who's decisions and statements are weighed in terms of the reaction she figures she'll get.
When her involvement in "USQUEERS" garnered some national publicity after her co-moderator B. Allen Ross was arrested and convicted after following through with his on-line threats against a Baptist minister, she was posting explainations on every listserve on the web; no one even knew what the hell she was talking about much less cared.
She also claims to be a lesbian; I think that is BS too. It's just another tool to she uses to get a reaction from people and bring a little twisted excitement into her otherwise empty life.
Eva Young is involved in the Republican party as much as Michael Moore is: Both can claim to have been to a GOP convention and both would love to see the GOP gone.
I guess you could say that we've really cornered the market amongst the local "liberal media!" Woo!
Seriously. I came here hoping for a better grade of discussion than I've seen. I've been disappointed.Discussion is what you make it, and if you come to the site telling us how much it sucks or try to further discussion by name-calling (wingnut, moron, moonbat, mullet, etc.) it's not going to go too far. And as much as some of you seem to dislike this site, I find it funny that you keep coming back day after day.
Hey, just because she's insane doesn't mean she can't be a Republican.
(Insert cheap shot here.)
Keep it up and I'll e-mail her a link to this site Luke.
You think you got problems now, wait 'till she cuts and pastes a couple of posts from this site to draw her thorizine posse over here.
Swiftman: No thanks, we've got enough nutjarbs around here to last us awhile. Ahem. *sniff* AHEM. *loud coughing followed by projectile vomiting*
Oh, sorry. Anyway, hey - you'd think they'd call that one guy that did a documentary about blogs too. Might wanna do that. God knows he needs more press. Jerk.
Nice that they did a writeup, but they could have done more homework and really made a bigger story. I wanted one of the papers to do a big pre-election local political blog piece, which would've surely tied into the ol' "divided electorate" theme but at least there's conversation across the aisle.
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