Interesting thought
Here's an interesting thought: If Howard Dean becomes DNC Chair, that could mean that gun control is essentially dead as a national Democratic issue. Dean supports the assault weapon ban and instant background checks, but that's about it.
I think that gun control as a Democratic issue has been a dead issue since November 2000. I don't pay too much attention to television news, but has the Democratic party been doing _anything_ except for a pro forma "assault weapons are bad!" speech every now and then.
And it doesn't really matter; Gun control has changed from an actual issue to being yet another Evil Party talking point that has no relation to the real world. Howard Dean went pretty much instantly from a 100% NRA rating to OhMyGodHesAnEvilGunGrabber(tm) when he became the Demcratic frontrunner, so it's not as if his positions will make much of a difference if he leads the DNC.
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