
Inauguration Day

I liked what Flash had to say about Inauguration Day over at Centrisity.

Enjoy today, Bush supporters. You won a hard-fought victory and the next four years are yours.

But 2004 was the first time you ever had to face the nascent Organized Left. You've been working on your organization for 30 years, and we've only just begun. But we've studied your successes and failures. We will reach parity closer than you think.

And then you will really have a fight on your hands.


At 9:01 AM, Blogger Mark D. said...

Hey! Quit using red-eyed far-left revolutionary slogans like, "we will reach parity closer than you think"! ;-)

At 10:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Republicans don't seem to think they needed to appeal to moderates to win. In fact they're looking to continue to rally the right wing fringe (aka their base). From today's Washington Post:

"Mehlman, 38, a confidant of White House senior adviser Karl Rove, said the same rally-the-base strategy that powered Bush to a second term can be used this year to promote Bush's agenda on taxes, judicial nominees, retooling Social Security, and social issues such as opposition to abortion and same-sex marriage."

Most of those issues only have strong support from the far right of the Republican party. So much for healing the divide.


At 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure, center left, like Kerry, Gore and Daschle . That strategy has worked great so far. Versus say Russ Feingold - an actual alternative rather than Republican lite - who actually won.


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