
Gay marriage? What about Gay Marriage?

The President's retreat from his efforts to pass a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage truly represents the definition of a wedge issue:

Bush won't push ban on gay marriage

That's the politics of cynicism at work. Throw a volatile issue into the mix of campaign rhetoric in order to fire up the base, then quickly back away from all promises once the election is won. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he's taking it off the table. But you know...the whole I-do-what-I-say-and-say-what-I-do act is suddenly pretty thin. One can only wonder how the neoconartists will work to divide the nation by shoving some puritanical moral agenda they really don't care about - and which any free society would reject on principle - down the throat of the nation.


At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


If Bush wont push it the states will. I hear that Minnesota is next up to bat.

At 8:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"and which any free society would reject on principle"

Correct me If i'm wrong but didn't every state that had this on there ballot, Pass?
Unlike Minn. some states politicians think the people have the right to be heard, whether you lkke the outcome or not.
I don't know why I even waste my time reading your site. I know what i'm in for before i click the button. Good luck to you all and your miserable existence.

At 10:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, Other Anonymous, what we saw in Minnesota was a direct rejection of playing politics with a gay marriage amendment. The republicans in the "do-nothing legislature" tried to force the democrats to accept a gay marriage ballot initiative before passing the bonding bill, but the dems refused. The voters saw right through this cynical election year ploy and they voted out 12 republicans representatives as a direct result. Minnesotans have good bullshit detectors.


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