

Senator Dayton gave a barnburner of a speech today opposing the confirmation of Condoleeza Rice as Secretary of State. I'll let his words speak for themselves:

I rise today to also oppose the nomination of National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice for Secretary of State.

I do so, because she misled me about the situation in Iraq before and after the congressional resolution in October, 2002, authorizing that war, a resolution that I opposed. She misled other members of Congress about the situation in Iraq, members who have said that they would have opposed that resolution if they had been told the truth. And she misled the people of Minnesota and Americans everywhere about the situation in Iraq, before and after that war began.

It is a war in which 1,372 American soldiers have lost their lives and over 10,000 have been wounded, many of them maimed for life. Thousands more have been scarred emotionally and physically. All of their families and many thousands of other American families whose loved ones are now serving in Iraq, who are suffering serious financial and family hardships, who must wonder and worry every day and night for a year or longer whether their husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters are still alive, will stay alive, and wonder when they will be coming home.

For many, the answer is not soon enough. I read in today's Washington Post that the army is planning to keep its current troop strength in Iraq at 120,000 for at least two more years. I did not learn that information as a member of Congress. I did not learn it as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, where I regularly attend public hearings, classified meetings, and top secret briefings. I did not learn it from the U.S. military command in Iraq, with whom I met in Baghdad last month. I read it in The Washington Post. Just as I read last weekend that the Secretary of Defense has created his own new espionage arm by -- quote -- "reinterpreting an existing law." Without informing most, if any, members of Congress and by reportedly -- quote -- "reprogramming funds appropriated for other purposes." ...

I might as well skip all the Senate Armed Services Committee hearings and meetings and top secret briefings and just read the papers. And thank goodness for a free and vigilant press to ferret out the truth and to report the truth, because we cannot get the truth from this administration.

And, sadly, the attitude of too many of my colleagues across the aisle is: our President wrong, wrong, or wrong. They defend him. They protect him. And they allow his top administration officials to get away with lying. Lying to Congress, lying to our committees, and lying to the American people. It's wrong. It's immoral. It's un-American. And it has to stop.



At 12:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To bad Mr dayton has no credibility what so ever. A true american IDIOT!!!!! I wish he would go back to hiding under his bed.

At 1:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 7:11 PM, Blogger Moses said...

To bad Mr dayton has no credibility what so ever. A true american IDIOT!!!!! I wish he would go back to hiding under his bed.No credibility? Hey, last time I checked, he wasn't running around in late 2002 and early 2003 claiming in no uncertain terms that Iraq posed a danger to the world because it had piles upon piles of WMD somewhere around Baghdad, Tikrit and some other town and if anyone doubted it they would see a mushroom cloud over some American city.

So, where are those WMD? Until that question is answered, I'd say it is the Bush administration that has the credibility problem.

At 7:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So this is the new Liberal response to any questioning of one of there's. " Were's the WMD's, there are no WMD's". You can have Dayton, good luck with that.

At 10:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really *hate to say this, but, good luck with your spelling and grammar!

*actaully I don't - it's kinda fun.

At 7:28 PM, Blogger Moses said...

So this is the new Liberal response to any questioning of one of there's. " Were's the WMD's, there are no WMD's". You can have Dayton, good luck with that.If I can make out what you are trying to ask, then, yes, until there is a good answer, I want to know where those WMD are, if they were there in the first place. Tell me, please, how the ends justify the means in Bush and Company's lead-up to the American war in Iraq. Dayton wants accountability. So do many others. You and others who refuse to acknowledge the importance of holding this administration accountable for its actions always seem to respond to its dissenters and critics by telling them to shut up. It may work on Bill O'Reilly's show, but only because he has control of the mic. It is not adequate, however, for civic society to stay quiet on important foreign policy questions.


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