Today's lesson: Toe the GOP line or lose your job
Often, something comes up that reminds me why I campaigned so hard against Republicans. Some will be surprised that it isn't related to policy positions, though I profoundly disagree with the policies of this administration. I recognize GOP positions as an interpretation of the world that is very different than mine, founded on a different set of assumptions about human nature. I mean heck, I understand fiscal discipline, smaller, effective government, strong defense, and fewer government entitlement programs, that's why I am a democrat. Republicans believe in the opposite. I get it.
What I truly don't understand is how Republicans, heck Americans, can tolerate the way the current incarnation of the GOP does business. When
House Republicans Acted to Protect DeLay Republicans said nothing. Now, House Ethics Committee chairman, Joel Hefley (R-CO) might lose his job for rebuking Delay last October. The Washington Post likens this to Ousting the Umpire.
Differences of opinion I understand. Churning congressional wheels to protect the disgraceful Tom Delay is totally, obviously corrupt. Why do Republicans put up with this?
"When House Republicans Acted to Protect DeLay Republicans said nothing."
I expect this sort of thing from Democrats, but expect Republicans to hold themselves to a higher standard.
There is also a good chance that this will not stand.
I don't expect this kind of thing from any of my elected leaders, Democrat or Republican. It's far from a partisan issue - except that the version of the GOP we have in power right now seems to operate this way.
It's good to see you agree though, Swiftee. There's hope for the world yet.
Interesting article -
Sounds like not a popular fellow.
His only chairmanship -- on the House Ethics Committee -- is one that no member of Congress wants, because it involves investigating and punishing colleagues who violate ethics rules. Even Hefley himself expressed disappointment upon receiving the assignment last year.
"It's arguably the most hated post in the entire House of Representatives," said Gary Ruskin, director of the Congressional Accountability Project, which monitors the committee's work. "Everybody avoids it like the plague."
More Rant, Have the Democrats enacted or even proposed any ethics board.
I agree this was a mistake by Delay. He could have steped down if indited and continued to run the show from behind the scenes. Then he could have been berated for that. It is all about hate.
Republicans reverse themselves on ethics rules
Like I said, it won't stand.
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