
Support our troops and the Iraqis

Gift-giving is one of the oldest traditions of this season, going back to ancient times. We also wish "peace on Earth and goodwill towards men" but this year, sadly, seems to be lacking. But you can help make a soldier's life easier or ease the humanitarian crisis in Iraq with a gift to one of the following...

The USO is collecting money to provide phone cards for our troops abroad so they can speak with their families.

Thousands of American soldiers have been wounded in Iraq. They are transfered to Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany for treatment, practically straight from the battlefield with only what they are wearing. The Civil Air Patrol cadets at Ramstein are raising money and collecting donations to provide these hospitalized soldiers with basic necessities -- a change of underwear, sweatpants, toiletries. (Via Juan Cole)

There is a humanitarian crisis in Iraq. Hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians have been wounded, killed, or displaced from their homes by this war (Falluja alone was a "town" of 500,000 people before the war). The Red Cross/Red Crescent is doing vital work there to help these people. They need food, shelter and blankets for the winter, and medical supplies. You can earmark your IFRC contribution for Iraq to help support these efforts.

Happy holidays, everyone. I should be back posting after Christmas.


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