How Do You Drive Out a Union?
South Carolina Factory Provides a Textbook Case. Not many "textbooks" droning on about such dire corruption though: a company attempts to destroy a legally created union using the help of well-paid consultants (and bribed insiders), then is successfully sued for violations of obvious labor laws, then they attempt to de-Grinch their souls by, er, suing their union-busting strategists for engineering a "relentless and unlawful campaign to oust the union."
Throughout this sordid tale, we get the impression that the union remains a paragon of principle and morals, go figure. The expensive mess was a success:
"After all this, I don't think you could pay the people here to join a union, to mess with a union," Mr. Clemmons said. "And I don't believe the union would want to deal with us anymore down here."
Also, there's an entire community of unemployed workers round Sumter who probably find it difficult to believe in anything this year. Good going EnerSys, another such victory and we are all undone. [A public display of affection to SarahD for the link.]
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