
Daily Kos Profile


Party Central: Berkeley blogger Markos Moulitsas wants nothing less than to reinvent party politics.


At 9:12 PM, Blogger Mark D. said...

I occasionally enjoy the Daily Kos, but I also find myself totally alienated by it, mostly because there don't seem to be a lot of blue-collar working folks reading or writing for it. I'm willing to be kicked to death for saying it, but the Daily Kos is elitist, and a scribbler-channeling pajama-lefty network ain't enough to change the party system. This paragraph particularly raised my hackles:

Physically, Moulitsas lives in a small cottage in Berkeley with his wife, their toddler son, a multitude of Apple computer products, guitars, wonkish books, and a bike he never has time to ride [?!?!]. In every other respect, he exists on his blog, which he uses to record his thoughts on the state of the nation and to converse with an army of readers who look to him for political insight.It's a wonderful life.

At 9:24 PM, Blogger Luke Francl said...

Well, he is a lawyer.

Former guest poster Trapper John was a big union guy.

As long as the elite have most of the computers and internet hookups, most blogs will reflect and elite point of view (white, college educated, fairly well off).


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