Don King for Secretary of Homeland Security
Earlier in the week I predicted that we would probably find more skeletons in Bernard Kerik's closet than just an illegal nanny. The story gets more and more bizarre.
Let's consider for a moment that Bush and Cheney spent the entire campaign season scaring the bejeesus out of anyone within a mile of a television, radio or campaign rally. I mean, supposedly if we elected Kerry we would be turned into particulate matter on November 3rd by a terrorist nuke. Based on their assertions, one could reasonably expect the administration to put forward the best administrator and strategic mind in the country to run Homeland Security. The candidate presented to the people by the administration is a direct reflection of the values of the values party.
Here's what Bush gave us: We have a guy that might be mobbed up, deserted an illegitimate daughter in Korea, fumbled a key job in Iraq. What could make him more qualified to make America Secure? Maybe if he were a bigamist.
In nominating Kerik, Bush once again showed he values loyalty, personality and ideological correctness more than competence, more than the country, actually. I don't think there is anybody in the Whitehouse left who can slap the President and say, "Get a grip on yourself, man, for all our sakes." But someone should. Otherwise the next candidate might be another extremely loyal, right-thinking campaigner with a checkered past - Don King.
Now there is a nomination I could really get behind!
That's just what I was thinking! This guy could step into Terry McAuliffe's shoes and no one would know he's gone!
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