New Patriot TV Debut
Yesterday, Chris and I shared a short segment on TPT's Almanac with Powerline bloggers Scott Johnson and John Hinderaker. The discussion stayed off of politics, so it's a little tame.
You can watch it on TPT at 7:00 December 31, or watch it online here [RealVideo].
Like I said, it was tame.
We disagreed off camera (politely) and talked around eachother on camera. It was all very polite.
See - we CAN all get along!
It's the Four Polite White Men of the Apocalypse!
I'm jealous that you got to meet Cathy Wurzer!
I'm jealous that you got to hang out with Buttrocket. Okay, maybe not.
How did I miss the loop on that one. I've been on Almanac before, albeit for different reasons.
Daddypants: bwahahahahha!
A little anecdote. I was at Almanac's 20th anniversary staff lunch, trying to cut into a turkey wrap with my plastic fork. The fork broke and my plate of food exploded all over, and everyone pointed and laughed. But then Mary Lahammer came over and was helping me pick up lettuce bits off the floor.
I stopped and said, "Hey look! It's TV's Mary Lahammer helping me pick food up off the floor! Wow!"
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