Just a little
I was amused to read conservative blogger John Hinderaker dismiss his Web site's income from ads as only "a couple thousand bucks a month." More than a quarter of U.S. households live on that much or less -- though I wouldn't expect Bush-supporting attorneys to know that.
Andre Theisen, Minneapolis.
Star Tribune Letter to the Editor, Dec. 23 2004
Ah, but under the confiscatory tax structure of the US, a couple thousand a month for someone earning a good wage is quickly diminished by various redistribution schemes.
It is an inept comparison.
Taxed or untaxed, I'm sure that any one of the 25% of US households would be more than happy to take the chump change off of Hinderaker's hands...
We interrupt this class-nattering to note that Hinderaker was commenting about how little money goes into major blogs *compared to the major media*. A couple of thousand a month buys you a thirty second spot on a TV station. It doesn't cover Don Shelby's coiffure bill; Dan Rather was brought down for less money than the staff of 60 Minutes expenses for lunch in a week.
But then I wouldn't expect Andre Theisen, witless apologist for the party of the rich, to know that.
Funny, I zipped off that two-sentence observation to the Strib, and then find myself attacked here as a 'witless apologist for the party of the rich.' I made no reference nor defense of the Democratic Party, nor was Hinderaker's comment (in the version I saw online) couched in any reference to 'major media.' Amazing how much anger is still floating around out there.
--Andre Theisen
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