Was the election hacked?
As I noted below there are substantial anomalies in this year's election results.
Dick Morris notes in that exit polls are almost never wrong. For six of them to be wrong releases a foul odor. I'll say. It is now a national priority that the discrepancy between the exit polls and the final results, as well as the extremely suspect results coming in from Florida be investigated, particularly because there seems to be a one to one match between a Diebold Optical Scanner and a suspect vote tally.
Morris condludes that the exit polls were fixed. But that is a crock. As far as conspiracies go, simple explanations are usually correct. It would be extremely difficult to organize an airtight effort to conduct six separate exit polls that produce false results in total secrecy. As it can be shown, it is much easier to tamper with the vote totals. And let's do a risk/reward analysis: What is the benefit of doing either? One leaves much to chance with devastating consequences. The other leaves nothing to chance with equally devastating consequences. If you are going to risk it all, are you going to risk it all for a chance or a certainty?
But there are less speculative arguments. Read, Evidence Mounts That The Vote May Have Been Hacked, or An Examination of the Florida Elections. The vote totals from Florida counties using Diebold optical scanners are wildly off and also - miracle of miracles - wildly favor Bush. There are about 12 counties where more people supposedly "voted" than actually turned out.
We should not ignore the obivious. Support the efforts to get to the bottom of this. It isn't about Kerry winning anymore. It's about our country being the victim of the crime of the century.
This has been an issue for a while. Bev Harris and her group at www.blackboxvoting.org have been trumpeting these issues for literally years now.
You are correct in saying that it's too late to despute the election. What we need to do is shine a light on this issue and make people realize that this doesn't just affect others, but everyone.
And I thought you were the smart ones. "IDIOT". The repub's stole another election. You guy's are getting so pathetic I can't even Read your shit with a semi straight face anymore. All I can due is ridicule your stupid sorry asses.
Thanks for you input, anonymous. If you read carefully you would notice that no one is saying the election was categorically stolen. What people are saying, me included, is that there are many, many anomalies - and all of them favor one candidate and have one thing in common: A Diebold machine. The chance that those anomalies are coincidence is zero. In 12 Florida counties, more votes were "cast" than there were people that showed up to the polls. Doesn't that bother you?
...to put it another, simpler way: if the results came in that way and the OTHER candidate was favored, wouldn't that be a problem for you?
I've debated whether or not to roll this into a new post, but in any case, Palm Beach County Logs 88,000 More Votes Than Voters.
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