
Not where we'd hoped to be


At 9:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like a mandate.The first presidential candidate to win with a majority rather than a plurality since '88
The first candidate with a majority since '88
Bush surpasses Reagan for the all time popular vote total.
The Senate adds to its Republican majority and the Democratic Minority leader looses his seat.

Not where we'd hoped to be?
How about, "Clearly out of touch with America."

At 10:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All but one candidate (a District Judge) I voted for on my ballot won, and Kerry clearly won Minnesota, so I know we did our best, and we did what was right.

On a side note, I think it's great that Nevada voted for Bush. I can't even imagine how excited they must be to be getting that mountain full of nuclear waste.


At 10:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 11:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought I smelled a swifter nearby.

At 12:32 PM, Blogger Rainey said...

Your map is missing a critical factor. The "blue" states are not divided. We are united by Canada. We don't need to and CAN'T abandon what we believe democracy and inclusion require of us. It just isn't in America anymore. But it IS in us and we need to stay united to spread it.

I'm feeling more than a little Zell Miller-ish myself. I feel like the US left me. I feel like Bush is only about 20% of the problem and the much larger one is the people who looked at Bush and chose intolerant, narrow views that have been forced on me and will now flourish without effective limit. I am afraid of facsism in America.

This is the saddest day of my life and the first time in 57 years I have to admit I'm ashamed to be an American.

At 2:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that America made a horrible decision yesterday, but I hope to be proven wrong.

For good and bad, I still don't believe there was any kind of mandate at work. At best, we saw a 60% turnout of voting-age adults. It may be good by historical standards, but it also shows a hefty dollop of apathy on the part of the public. 30% of the people does not a mandate make. Get me 80% voter turnout and a 70/30 win next time and I'll consider your point made.


At 2:45 PM, Blogger Febrifuge said...

I agree with Jonathan completely. The people I really have an issue with are the 40% of eligible voters who couldn't be arsed to learn a little about the world they live in, make a choice, and do something about it. You want disrespect for the troops overseas? Go find a non-voter.

On the next four years... give me a day to complain, and I promise I'll be able to turn the corner from greeting my esteemed friends and relatives on the Right with "I'm entirely sure you're wrong" to "I hope to god you're right."

At 3:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The people I really have an issue with are the 40% of eligible voters who couldn't be arsed to learn a little about the world they live in, make a choice, and do something about it. You want disrespect for the troops overseas? Go find a non-voter.NO KIDDING. I drove a guy to the polls last night in North Saint Paul -- he was this total slacker burnout dude with long hair, in his mid-30s, who lived only about a mile from his polling place and was in fine health. But he went to the library to read about the major parties, and when some GOTV people talked to him early in the day and mentioned that he could get a ride to the polls, he went for it. He was obviously disillusioned by the two-party system, but he was willing to vote if he had to put minimal effort into it, and the important thing was that he was willing to do just a little bit to educate himself. We need to make it as easy as possible for people to vote, and to get access to information about the candidates. Most important of all, we need to convince people that their vote matters.


At 3:18 PM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

Montana, one of the reddest states, has a new Democratic governor.

First-time candidates for state legislatures from Hawaii to Connecticut beat incumbent Republicans.

And a record number of us voted to change course -- more Americans voted against George Bush than any sitting president in history.

Today is not an ending.

Regardless of the outcome yesterday, we have begun to revive our democracy. While we did not get the result we wanted in the presidential race, we laid the groundwork for a new generation of Democratic leaders.

Democracy for America trained thousands of organizers and brought new leadership into the political process. And down the ballot, in state after state, we elected Dean Dozen candidates who will be the rising stars of the Democratic Party in years ahead.

Tens of millions of us are disappointed today because we put so much of ourselves into this election. We donated money, we talked to friends, we knocked on doors. We invested ourselves in the political process.

That process does not end today. These are not short-term investments. We will only create lasting change if that sense of obligation and responsibility becomes a permanent part of our lives.

Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

We will not be silent.

Thank you for everything you did for our cause in this election. But we are not stopping here.

Governor Howard Dean, M.D.

At 7:45 PM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

I'm just going to keep posting things that make me feel better. When does that soul-crushing feeling stop? Maybe tomorrow.

Eli Parser:

Although George Bush won by 3% nationally, we must remember that 55.4 million Americans stood with you and with John Kerry. You are certainly not alone. And a healthy environment, a strong and fair economy, good schools, domestic safety and the end of the war in Iraq are goals we all share -- red states and blue states alike.

Our journey toward a progressive America has always been bigger than George Bush. The current leg is just beginning -- we're still learning how to build a citizen-based politics together. But it's a journey our nation has been on for a long time. As Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice."

Today, we'll take a breath. Tomorrow, we'll keep moving toward the America we know is possible.

At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys are kidding, right?

Gseven I'd register a username if I planned on being back often - but reading this drivel has pretty much wiped out any chance of that. Don't confuse my lack of desire to straighten you chuckleheads out long term with an unwillingness to "stick by what I say." (By "say" I assume you mean "wrote" - let me guess, you're a teacher.)

Jon & Zen 40% of registered voters didn't turn out because crack buys Mary Poppins on the registration, not an actual voter.

News flash, most voters (including the ones who were legit and stayed home) were uninfluenced by your intellectual nuanced candidate. Its not that they didn't understand him. Its that they didn't agree with him enough to vote for him.

Chuck don't kid yourself. We (red state people) do not share your vision (or your buddy Eli's)of ending the war in Iraq. Its just the start. Syria or Iran next.

Lorika You used the word education when you meant indoctrination. There is nothing wrong with the educational system that can't be corrected with competition and the breaking of the "teachers" union. (I use the word teacher loosely.)

BTW - critical thought != deconstruction and for those of you with liberal arts educations != means "does not equal"

Nostalgic for Dean...??? First thing you've written that's made sense. You lost big, reminds me of Dean too.

Finally, Rainey I share your pain - I'm ashamed you are an American too. So please, get thee to France or maybe Quebec (that'd be in your unifying state of Canada.)

Enjoy your wallow!

At 11:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

True, more people than ever voted for Bush, but more people than ever voted AGAINST BUSH and for Kerry! Not a true victory in a country so divided in so many ways.
Lets get to work now on the new Democratic Party! Perhaps we could find an easy target to get out to vote like Bush did with the religous rights by having their clergy dictate who they "should" vote for. Pavlov's dogs in action.
Or, perhaps more people will "get it" by 2008 that the Republicans are not all Godly individuals, especially when their leader and his friends break one of the big ten often. THOU SHALT NOT LIE.
I am so embarassed to be an American, never mind how truly afraid I am of our future for my children.

At 12:35 AM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

Anon - I'll go ahead and call you "Right Wing Fucknut":

Obviously, most Americans don't want a continuous state of war, in Iraq or anyplace else. But if that's what you and a handful of your extremist red state vo-tech buddies are all about, here's hoping you'll be first in line to joinup in that Iran invasion.

Right Wing Fucknut < Moral Human

At 1:21 AM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

(Anon #2: Amen to that!)

At 10:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't expect any of you to have the faith of conviction to respond considering the giant "invalidation by vote" you just had.

Let me start with the first responder...There is no commandment, "Thou shall not lie." The fact you don't know that sort of identifies who's following the propoganda here, huh?

The 9th commandment is pretty close, says thou shall not bear false witness...but that's really more about Michael Moore and Dan Rather this election.

Chuck I can tell you're kind of a dim bulb, so I'll use small words here.

Name calling is not nice. You shouldn't have to resort to profanity to express yourself. (Profanity means swearing. Sorry, big word slipped in.)

You could hurt someone's feelings if they had any respect at all for your opinion. Fortunetly in this case, I don't bear that burden, so no harm done.

When I wrote we don't share your vision of ending the war in Iraq, what I meant was that our vision is to win the war in Iraq. (And then carry it to our enemies where ever they may yet be.) I did not take from the context of the remarks you quoted that ol' Eli shared the desire to win. Only that he wanted it to be over. Am I wrong? I can understand how you might mistake my comment for war-mongering. Its not.

So far as being in line for the Iranian invaison, let me say (forgive the lack of Farsi characters) "Eran azudy lazem dareen" (and no, I am not Persian.)

Finally, let me just add that I'm not christian. (Nor religious, or even "spiritual.") I am better educated than you are, even by your standards, I have accomplished more than you and I'm smarter too. And that is why I do not support Kerry or the Democrats. As long as you cling to illusion that the reason people don't support you is that they aren't smart enough to, you will continue to lose.

In short, you don't know what you're talking about.

At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok unspiritual hater of all things good,
lets make a list of commandments broken by georgie and his buds:
3, 5, 7, 8, and 10

I don't have to spell out why to you, do I?
Go back to work at Halliburton, or are you in iraq really fighting for your cause? Oh, I didn't think so.

The Commandment
The Call

I am the LORD your God, you shall have no other gods before me. Faith (Trust in God)
All faith in God, freedom from lesser gods: wealth, sex, power, popularity.
You shall not take the Name of the LORD your God in vain. Respect

Respect for God and the things of God: prayer, worship, religion.
Keep holy the Sabbath day. Renewal
Not just the Sabbath rest, but setting aside time for prayer, good recreation, quiet reflection.
Honor your father and your mother. Family
Loving care and respect for all family members, elders and younger siblings, too. Respect for elders in general.
You shall not kill. Respect For Life
Courtesy to all, speaking respectfully to all, seeking the best for all. Respecting others' freedom while still defending all human life.
You shall not commit adultery. Chastity

Faithfulness (Fidelity)
Faithful actions beyond just abstaining from sexual contact outside of marriage. Respect for sex and marriage.
You shall not steal. Justice (Honesty)
Concern for the rights of others, especially when they get in the way of what we desire. A commitment to fairness and a willingness to suffer loss rather than depriving another.
You shall not bear false witness. Truth
A dedication to what is real and true, even if that reality is against our interests.
You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. Purity
A desire to want only what God wills. A single-hearted devotion to God's way.
You shall not covet your neighbor's goods. Generosity
A cooperation in God's own generosity that sees all goods as belonging to God and freely given for the good of all.


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