Good riddance
CBS News: Ashcroft's Mixed Legacy
ACLU: President Must Appoint Fair-Minded Replacement for Ashcroft
Transcript: State Secrets: 9/11 and Civil Liberties
Let's hope the next guy at least respects the American Consitution and the Bill of Rights.
On the lighter side...
Let's just hope he doesn't cut another demo...
Let the Eeeeeagles Soar!
This just means that Bush will pick someone just as bad, but more competent and less of a lighting rod for criticism.
For example, heard anything bad about Elane Chao lately?
She's just as evil as Ashcroft, but she's not an "out" right wing nut who lost to a dead guy, so she has a low profile.
This could be bad for us.
Alberto "torture memo" Gonzales? Great.
Yes. That's the one.
His term as White House counsel was not without controversy, as he fought with Congress to keep the details of Vice President Dick Cheney's energy commission meetings secret and defended the administration's right to detain terrorism suspects indefinitely without formal charges and to deny them access to counsel or to protection from the court system.
Perhaps even more controversial was the February 2002 memo he wrote in which the Bush administration claimed that the Geneva Conventions did not apply to certain prisoners taken in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The memo claimed that the importance of gaining information about possible future terror attacks from people suspected of links to terrorist groups "renders obsolete Geneva's strict limitations on questioning of enemy prisoners."
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Don't forget, he's also a former Enron corporate counsel. His respect for the rule of law is... well, consistent at least.
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