Rather whips out a mayo-stained blue dress
Salon has a truly exhaustive history of Bush's Guard service. Read it if you care to. I am frankly exhausted by the whole deal. Is there anyone at all who really thinks Bush wasn't running around the Alabama countryside whooping it up in the holler while he was supposed to be marching around the drill flat? The total reward money is now $60,000 dollars for anyone who can say they served with Georgie there - Including the Texans for Truth and Gary Trudeau's offers. Surely some good ol' boy would have come forward by now.
That's why the whole CBS thing is utterly mystifying. The documents Rather aired are completely retarded and unnecessary to the story. It's as if Rather had whipped out a blue dress stained with a dab of mayo during the Lewinsky fiasco and started flapping his gums about it all over TV. It just sounds too stupid to be all true or all false. Something's going on. Of course, the right wingnuts, holier-than-thou pundits and noodle-headed undecided voters are falling into an orgiastic fit of conspiratorial fervor. Rather the Liberal! CBS trys to bring down Bush! The Democratic Party forged those documents to make the president look bad!
Yes. That's it. John Kerry personally went down to Toys 'R' Us and pecked out an incriminating note, complete with the wrong dates and lingo, on the Matell Type-Magic 2000 then gave Dan Rather a ringy dingy to say he had some good dirt on Dubya and would he like the exclusive pleasure of doing an international face-plant that could destroy his illustrious career? And Dan said, "Yes, absoultely."
Anyway, while the media are acting like a herd of mice chasing cheese, the real stories get buried. What I really want to know is, speaking of forgery, who forged the Yellowcake Docs and who outed Valerie Plame?
ps A house is on fire. I mean, it is burning right down. The Fire Chief and the Arsonist who started the fire are standing in the yard talking to a reporter. She asks them, "How are you going to put out the fire." One says, "I am going to recruit the neighbors and we are going to put out the fire." The other says, "I am going to recruit the neighbors and we are going to put out the fire." The reporter turns to the camera and says, "Well, you heard it here, it continues to be difficult to tell the difference between the fire dousing policies of the Fire Chief and the Arsonist. The Fire Chief is going to have to differentiate himself if he is going to win the job of dousing the fire. Right now polls are running slightly in favor of the Arsonist. Even though people don't like the fact that he starts fires and burns down their houses, they respond well to the fact he is strong and decisive in what he does. The Fire Chief has taken too many positions on the best way to put out fires. On the other hand, the Arsonist's slogan of "Ye caint hardly put out a fire less ya start one" seems to be taking hold."
Wow... that fire chief and arsonist analogy made my day.
As for the Valerie Plame scandal... Common Dreams has a great little summary of the most recent actions.
I know, I know... It was a rhetorical question... but this is a good article and everyone should read it.
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Ugh. I see that the folks over at Fried Taters (sorry) are ready to hang Rather out to dry. Boycott CBS advertisers, cut up your Citibank cards! They sound like a bunch of hippies! Heh. Of course I wouldn't be surprised to find that for every one angry conservative that cuts up his/her Citibank card, there are twenty college kids that are signing up for new Citibank cards.
I wonder if Damn Blather is conscious of the irony of the fact that it was a few webloggers who took him down and now only a few bloggers are left dangling from the delusion that he has any credability left.
Trust me. Demands to prove a negative, insincere disbelief, strawmen and outright denial of reality aside, Blather is done and the Repubilcans, with all their campaign funds put to one task could not have afforded to pay the fee that the damage to Kerry Blather provided for free was worth.
Of course! Journalists have a code of ethics... Bush, not so much. If George were a "journalist," he'd be on "Hollywood Insider" or perhaps "Inside Edition." (like Bill O'Rielly once was!)
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