
Creation Museum: A monument to the absurd

This is simply the most fascinating read ever. It's the website for the new $25 million, 60,000 sq. ft., Creation Museum located near Cincinnati, Ohio.

Here are some titles to some wonderful articles:

Dinosaurs and the Bible The T-Rex ate coconuts until Adam sinned, then developed a taste for chicken.

A new cosmology: solution to the starlight travel time problem During Creation Week, clocks on earth ran slower than clocks in the cosmos.

And my personal favorite:

How are Communism and Nazism based upon evolutionary thinking? How Darwin evolved in to Hitler. It's got a sweet little time line.


At 8:58 PM, Blogger missbhavens said...

Oh, the dinosaur article is my for-sure favorite.

I love the part where the brachiosaurus walks off Noah's Ark!

Holy crap!


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