
The FBI: Crooks and Liars

This stuff always bums me out. The cops are supposed to be the good guys. Most of them are the good guys. Yet many of them are not: they are crooks and liars. They take the easy way out, they circumvent due process and when they get caught they lie about it. They strong arm American citizens and businesses, they violate our right to privacy and they lie about it. In 1/4 of every instance of these "national security letters" these agents acted in violation of the law! This is a failure in leadership at the FBI and more proof that the Patriot Act is ill-conceived.

Fascism is always signaled by the emergence of a secret police. The Patriot Act weakened the oversight of these law enforcement agencies in a way that even Republicans should be ashamed of. Let's put away our fear-mongering and focus our efforts on things that really fight terrorism.

Yes, Virginia, law enforcement needs oversight. Duh.


At 12:12 PM, Blogger Tedj said...

It kind of makes the warrantless wiretapping scandal look pretty small doesn't it?


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