
He Is Really, Really Anti-Choice

"He's pretty moderate."
"He's a Republican I'd actually vote for."
"He seems to have integrity."
"I'd definitely vote for him over Hillary."

How many times have you heard your liberal friends say this about John McCain? Or maybe you've even said one of these gems yourself? Do you assume McCain's pro-choice because he seems to be an alright kinda guy? Well, he's really, really not. Read it for yourself:

I do not support Roe versus Wade. It should be overturned.

I fully support voting for Republican candidates who are party stand-outs. I even voted for Lincoln Chafee in the 2000 RI Senate. But I'm afraid Democrats are being lured into supporting McCain's campaign for superficial reasons without knowing the full truth about his positions. You heard it from the man himself: he would support overturning Roe.


At 11:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even if McCain was the old McCain,
Even if Hagel wasn't so socially conservative,
Even if Giuliani wasn't now so politically transparent...

They would still enable a corrupt, radically fundamentalist and stubbornly neoconservative Republican Party.

That's the problem w/ Susan Collins, Chafee, etc. They might be fine, but they blatantly ignore their role in enabling the crazies like Tancredo, Dobson, Bachmann, etc. That's not cool.

At 12:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's true. He actually has one of the most conservative voting records in the Senate.
Check out:

Maverick? Hardly.


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