
The Nicer, Cleaner Mark Kennedy

Mark Kennedy seems to have picked up a few tricks from the Bushies over the years. If you don't like the truth, just take out your black pen and cross it out. Or better yet, hit the delete button. Instant better reality.

Kennedy website edits newspaper clippings

The headline on Mark Kennedy's U.S. Senate campaign website, over excerpts from an Associated Press article, said he is "A Common-Sense Get Things Done Guy," and the AP material under the headline made the case that the Republican congressman voted with Democrats on 10 key issues this year.

Missing from the story were 13 sentences in which Democrats and political analysts accused Kennedy of disguising a career of extreme conservative voting by only recently casting a few votes with Democrats as he prepares for a U.S. Senate race. No link was supplied to the original version of the AP story, so readers who came to this article via the Kennedy website might think that they were getting the AP's portrayal of the candidate as a bipartisan moderate.

Isn't that special? If it works for Kennedy, it can work for me too. Mitch Berg, over at Shot in the Dark wrote a very complimentary piece on me once...in it he says:

Chris Dykstra is right and his critics pretty much wrong.

Awww shucks, Mitch, you shouldn't have. And thank you Congressman Mark Kennedy! Thank you for teaching me and my kids such a gol darn good trick! What a Putz.


At 1:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its funny how you bring up this subject and not include NARAL's outragous attacks on Roberts as your prime example.


At 3:29 PM, Blogger ryan said...

It's funny how you bring up something that's not related to Mark Kennedy, Censored. If you'd rather discuss Roberts, NARAL and NARAL's recent ad, I suggest you start your own blog.

At 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh sorry Ryan - wouldn't want to bring up current events.

Of course there's more than enough news to keep anyone here from starting a new thread.

Nothing about Air Enron...er...Air America's stealing from Alzheimers patinets to pay Franken.

Nothing about Ted Rall's retraction.

No mention of the economic gains.

Mick Jagger's denials he's anti-Bush.

Another Clinton mistake, this one called Able Danger?

All this, and the best you got is Mark Kennedy used a quote out of context?

I tell ya, I'm looking forward to election time. Its like ya'll are outa mouth foam.


At 4:44 PM, Blogger ryan said...

Sounds like you need your own blog, buddy. You've got a lot of steam to vent and nobody's listening. Blogger accounts are free. I say go for it.

At 8:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one's listening?
You're replying.



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