
On Roberts redux: Yes, no, maybe

Here I was all ready to give Roberts an easy ride. Then I hear he has developed amnesia regarding his stint on the steering committee of the Federalist Society. Roberts also "forgot" the time he spent as a lobbyist for the cosmetic industry. Doesn't that just feel like a load of crap? Throw that in the oven and you have the exact recipe for baking a fillibuster.

On the other hand, along comes a sweet little story about how Roberts Donated Help to a Gay Rights Case. That crunchy sound eminating from the east is the sound of ultra-conservatives squirming.

Perhaps the biggest Roberts endorsement I have read is Anne Coulter's dire warning against stealth nominees. Generally speaking, if Coulter is against it, I'm for it. More will be revealed.


At 1:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see any conflict in being a federalist and supporting equal protection for sexual orientation.

The same arguements he had for extending protections to gays are the same ones he'll use to throw out affirmative action.

What's funny about this case is that the NYT is investigating his children, but ignoring the Air America funding scandal in its own backyard.


At 2:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How are Roberts, his children and Air America related?

At 5:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Air America brouhaha is the right's Schiavo-Memo-for-the-month-of-August.

At 9:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a good MSM day.

Jennings kicks the bucket, and the NYT is roundly condemned for trying to get adoption dirt on Roberts.

At the same time a "peace protester" has been outed as completely changing her story from a year ago. Can the cancelled check be too far hehind? The sign should say "Gold Star Families for Peace, a wholly owned subsidiary of the crackpot left."

In the meantime, things are looking up for America.

The economy is soaring, tax cuts are working. Wages are up, unemployment down. And strangely enough oil prices are holding down inflation during this growth period, so the wages really are buying more.

Today the president signs a highway bill, improving the infastructure of our nation and ensuring we won't wind up like european cities that can be shut down with a couple of home made bombs.

Elliot Spitzer is going to have to pick between his won campaign for Gov of NY and hanging Air America out to dry.

Unions are fighting unions, with NWA's becoming the latest to go that route.

We're on the verge of a constitutionalist court.

Yep, its a good day.

Ya'll want to close this thread too?


At 1:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe... just found this.
It certainly ought to save you guys a bunch of time.




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