
Dem der eyes

Judge Roberts. Forget for a moment his lack of experience. Ignore his 20 year history as a Republican hack. Set aside the coincidental timing that conveniently takes pressure off Rove.

What the hell is wrong with his eyes?

Dude is seriously freaky looking.


At 7:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure in the weeks to come we will know everything about this guy. Like how many pieces of toilet paper he uses to wipe his ass. But in the short time since the announcement what I have heard is how well respected he is on both sides of the isle. How he was a non partisan slam dunk vote for the circuit court. His experience goes back to the Reagan admin. So i'm not sure what Luke knows, but time will tell. And of course it wouldn't be Luke to not play the diversion card, Nice. BULLSHIT!!!


At 10:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on Luke, Bush announced the single least likely to get alot of press or generate controversy SCOTUS candidate.

If he wanted distraction he could have named any number of other cadidates that would have generated more than the half-hearted cries of "Evil" from the left. He could have even reopened the door on Senate rule changes regarding judicial filibusters and cloture.

You sound ridiculous. You expect people to believe that the gnomes in Zurich called up a Justice of the SCOTUS and told her to retire because its getting a little warm for Rove? You're delusional.

Its not like Bush bombed Bosnia.


At 5:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you'all looked in the mirror lately. Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

At 5:40 PM, Blogger Robin said...

I think they're kind of dreamy....

At 10:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roberts's face has the nondescript, vaguely handsome appeal of a dependable character actor like Ralph Bellamy or Bill Paxton. He's a supporting actor there to make the leading man look good. Given his commitment to Bush policy so far, I'd say Roberts has been well cast.


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