Support Rove!
After I watched Rove get raked over the coals in the media the last few days I started to feel sorry for the guy. I mean, after all, he was just doing his creepy sadistic job when he discredited a US Ambassador for disagreeing with his boss. His move in to full blown treason was just a glitch. A hiccup. It's time to Send him a letter of support
-----Original Message-----
From: [YOU]
Sent: [NOW]
To: Karl C. Rove []
Dear Karl Rove:
I just wanted to tell you that no matter how much indisputable evidence those fact-obsessed intellectual reporters release about you betraying America, I join the President in not caring diddly-squat about so-called national security when the only war that matters is the one we're waging against Democrats. So that makes you TOPS in my book! Anyway, however it happened, that bimbo Valerie Plame got what she deserved for marrying a moron who spouted crazy talk about Saddam bin Laden not having all those Nukepox Laser Deathrays you made President Bush promise we'd find. Heck, she should be happy that you only assassinated his CHARACTER!
Well, I would say don't let this 'Plame Game' get you down, but I'm sure you're already orchestrating your greatest-yet Machiavellian stratagem (replete with Clintonesque legalistic parsings) to slither out of doing any prison time - especially since you were polite enough not to use Mrs. Wilson's first name. So good luck with the indictments and likely cover-up conspiracy investigation, and next time you're whispering him sweet nothings, please tell Bob Novak I think his waxy tufts of silver ear hair are massively SEXY - in a totally non-homosexual way, of course!
When it was Clinton on the chopping block the Democrats were preaching that we should wait to hear the facts and give the guy a fair chance. Okay, I did that. Now it's time for you to be as level headed as I. Before you condemn Karl Rove (whom, by the way, I loathe) why can't you wait for the facts to be presented by a independent investigator. We are only hearing half the story at this point, not nearly enough to convict one man.
Rove leaked the fact that Joe Wilson's wife worked for the CIA. He might not have named her. I do not know if he committed a letter-of-the-law crime.
But he sure as shit did commit a spirt of the law crime. Clinton's transgressions are not even close to being in the same league as Rove's. It's very, simple. I wouldn't put up with that snake in my community organizations, as coach of my kids soccer team, as a teacher, as anything. I don't want him spreading his filth in my government either.
why do you loathe him?
So lying under oath(Fact) as the commander in chief is not that big of a deal. Hmmm ok. but being accused ( not fact yet) of transgressions is way worse. Hey Chris, do actually read what you post before you hit enter? I don't know about rove teaching my kid and all that but I do know one thing for a fact. Hell would freeze over before I left my wife or daughter in a room alone with slick willy.
your daughter/wife in a room alone with "slick willy" (yawn) -- tell me how that ridiculous, meaningless scenario compares to endangering national security again?
Its all about protecting the people you love.
When you're self-loathing, that might be hard to understand.
Chuck, The Clinton ass licking scandal, I could care less who he sexually abuses. My problem is what did his administration miss while they were busy trying to cover up his lies on the stand under oath. Maybe a chance to get Osama??? You use national security as your argument, what a joke comming from someone who bitches and complains about everything are gov't does to bolster our security. Spare me your trivial drool. So yes, The commander and chief lying under oath is comparable.
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