
Wingnut Welfare, part 3

Another one! How many more?

I want a public outpouring of shame from everyone who voted Republican. This practice is disgusting.


At 11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I accept full responsibility for my lack of good judgment. I am paying the price. Tribune Media has cancelled my column. And I have learned a valuable lesson. I just want to assure you that this will never happen again, and to ask for your forgiveness."

- Armstrong Williams

I'd love to see one, just one moonbat step up and take responsibility like this.

In 2002, I discovered that the Saint Paul public school district had given Progressive Minnesota PAC over $3000 for a copy of it's fund raising database and to co-ordinate the districts referendum campaign.

The district also paid for school board members attendance at PM's annual winter fund raiser.

When confronted with this, board member Anne Carrol claimed that the money was paid to PM for "latino outreach" and also claimed that it was disgusting that someone would question SPPS.

Unfortunately for Carrol, I happened to have procured a copy of the contract and a copy of the SPPS purchase req. that paid for the board's attendance at the political fund raiser.

Confronted with this evidence of deliberate malfeasance, Carroll simply crawled back under her rock. She refused any further public comment, never appologised to her constituents, and even after The Minnesota Campaign Finance Board found that the payments were illegal she never acknowledged her complicity or even that it was the wrong thing to have done.

So Luke, you gonna join me in demanding an outpouring of shame from school administrators who misuse funds for political purposes at a time when kids are failing in record numbers?

At 11:10 AM, Blogger Mamagiggle said...

If it's wrong it's wrong so essentially you Luke and you Swiftee agree on this topic.
Circle one
Love forever and peace out!

At 11:30 AM, Blogger Luke Francl said...

Sounds like a mis-use of school funds, Tom.

I missed the outpouring of shame from you, though. Or was it just "a few bad apples"?

At 2:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no shame necessary. Williams screwed up and he said so. He also appologised and said it won't ever happen again.

What do you want? Will it take his crawling on his knees to satisfy you?

If so, don't hold your breath, but I'll keep it in mind when we learn of further collusion by lefty's.

BTW, I forgot to mention how Dan McGrath (Jagoff in Chief at Prog. MN) responded to getting caught stealing money from kids' educations. I quote verbatim:

"Tom, we're very good at what we do."

No arguement from me, unless we count getting caught as a mistake.

At 2:39 PM, Blogger Luke Francl said...

I don't want an appology from Williams. I want an appology from you for supporting and defending politicians who bribed columnists with taxpayer's money to promote their agenda.

At 2:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This could actually be used as a template for every one of Swiftee's posts.

1. Ignore most of the post, blame the problem on one bad apple, who is contrite, so everything's fine.

2. Rapidly change subject to Democrats doing very bad. Bonus points if it's completely unrelated to the topic.

3. Include some petty insult of the left (moonbats is a good one).

Swiftee, this wasn't an isolated issue. Williams' apology means nothing, since the administration is just as culpable. McManus brings it to three columnists and we've heard nothing from the White House (except for a timid response to a direct question during the press conference). Government officials responsible for using taxpayers' money for propaganda should resign, plain and simple.

At 3:02 PM, Blogger Mamagiggle said...

As a non-Minnesotan, I am obviously more concerned with the Federal misuse of funds, so I'm with Luke on that one. However, just a small aside. The conversation breaks down when you call for public shaming of the voters. It's rather hyperbolic, unless of course you're troll baiting, in which case you'd better have the right kind of tackle and sack.
Be more like Jesus, heh.

At 3:15 PM, Blogger Chris Dykstra said...

I don't really want apologies from Republicans. I want the columnists and the people who paid them indicted.

The Bushies aren't just screwing liberals. They are screwing every single one of us that wants to believe what we read and hear in the media.

At 4:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dickhead, I got a template for you alright.

At 4:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Luke, hold your breath pal...I'm workin' on your appology right now.

At 5:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dickhead, nice fucking hair. 1984 rules!

At 10:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, yeti-biatch. Again with the personal attacks? Becoming a habit isn't it?

All I know is I wouldn't want your karma.


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