
The Bush budget: Sell out and go broke fighting

Bush budget alarms GOP, angers Dems.

This caught my eye:

The CBO deficit estimate doesn't include at least $350 million in emergency aid the administration pledged for relief efforts after last month's tsunami in southern Asia.

It also omits two of Bush's domestic priorities: adding private investment accounts to Social Security and extending tax cuts, which could add several trillion dollars to the long-term deficit.

Say what? The US deficit and economic policy is already seen as a threat to the global economy. The projected deficit is the largest in US history. The dollar has dropped 35% against the euro in the last 4 years. Something like 86% of US debt is foreign owned, 33% by china. And the Bushies answer to this is to ask for more money to fund more and deeper wars, cut taxes, and spend an additional 2 trillion dollars we don't have to gut Social Security?


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