
Rummy and Bremer spill the beans

I have been wondering all day why there has been a sudden rash of plain spokeness among the neocons. though he later backtracked, Rummy acknowledged that Iraq had no ties to Al Qaeda. Paul Bremer said the US paid a high price for failing to secure the country after the the Hussein regime fell and for having too few troops on the ground. Bremer also later revised his commennts. Why on earth would these two stalwarts of the Bush administration shoot their mouths off 29 days before the election?

Juan Cole seems to detect the smell of a neocon rift. As in, Bremer needs to be viewed as a man who merely followed the orders that created the current mess in Iraq and not the man who thought it all up if he wants a political future. And Rumsfeld is giving notice that somebody's head will roll for preparing the bullshit everybody called "intelligence."


At 5:07 PM, Blogger ryan said...

Abandon ship indeed! Who can blame them? If I knew I'd be sharing a lifeboat with a chimp and a cross between Mr. Burns and Frankenstein, I'd jump too...


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