

Cheney: Now, in my capacity as Vice President, I am the president of the Senate and the presiding officer. I’m up in the Senate most Tuesdays when they’re in session. The first time I ever met you was when you walked on the stage tonight.

Cheney/Edwards, Feb. 1. 2001

Dick Cheney and John Edwards at the National Prayer Breakfast, February 1, 2001.

Cheney: Thank you. Thank you very much. Congressman Watts, Senator Edwards, friends from across America and distinguished visitors to our country from all over the world, Lynne and I honored to be with you all this morning.



At 11:53 PM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...


At 1:32 AM, Blogger ryan said...

I'm not totally sure, but I think I saw shit coming out of Cheney's ears when he said that...

At 6:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I guess you lefties can take solace in refuting VP Cheney's claim to have never seen Edwards "showing up for his job" in the Senate, by showing that they'd met socially in early 2001! "Senator Gone" is an embarassment for his state, and has surely added nothing to Kerry's meager ticket for 2004 .....

MAN, did Cheney spank Edwards all over the stage tonight!!!


At 11:00 AM, Blogger Rainey said...

Add to that Sen. Lehey's comment that Cheney is actually on in the Senate for minutes on Tuesdays. And that he meets only with Repuplican Senators.

'Course we know what Cheney's response to Lehey would be but facts are going to come out. I hope there's a steady corrosion of the Cheney's record.

At 1:09 PM, Blogger Chuck Olsen said...

"Senator Gone"? Gee, I wonder why that catchy nickname didn't take root.

At 1:39 PM, Blogger Rainey said...

" 'Senator Gone'? Gee, I wonder why that catchy nickname didn't take root."

This link to Sen. Edwards' hometown paper http://www.thepilot.com/opinion/100604PilotEditorial2.html indicates that it was a single off-hand remark and hardly a reputation. What's more, the paper says it was a short-term pattern that is neither representative nor material.

At 4:16 PM, Blogger Rainey said...

Ooops! *Who* wasn't there to meet whom? http://www.dailykos.com/story/2004/10/6/11163/2940

At 7:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, this is much more likely a comment on the pathetic impression that Edwards makes on people.

How many of you can remember the name of the guy who handed over your happy meals at McD's this evening?

Same = Same

At 7:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't remember. I think it started with an S. Swiftee maybe?

At 9:24 PM, Blogger Rainey said...

"Actually, this is much more likely a comment on the pathetic impression that Edwards makes on people."

That's about as mean-spirited as Vader...er Cheney's attack last night. Nevertheless, it *might* float if Edwards weren't actually running or potentially running against Cheney/Bush. You'd think, as a matter of simple self-interest, Cheney would have or would have had a staff member check his calendar or, say, welcoming speeches (as in that Prayer Breakfast) for research.

They're all suffering from senility? Or is it incompetence? Or one more of his bald-faced lies?

Meanwhile, now that people are looking into this we're discovering that Cheney's dungeon lair doesn't seem to have very much access to the Senate because he's not there doing his job of presiding either. We didn't know that yesterday. hmmmmmm...

At 8:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Kerry and his running mate, Sen. John Edwards, have said in a TV ad, stump speeches and debates that the Iraq war has cost $200 billion. The Democratic National Committee made the same claim in a TV ad."

"The war and its aftermath are on track to eventually cost that much. But the tab so far is closer to $120 billion, according to the Office of Management and Budget."

That includes money for rebuilding and forgiving loans as well.

"Kerry is straining for effect and going beyond what the facts will bear,"


"A Kerry ad claims, "As vice president, Dick Cheney received $2 million from Halliburton. Halliburton got billions in no-bid contracts in Iraq. Dick Cheney got $2 million. What did we get? A $200 billion bill for Iraq."

"Cheney was Halliburton's CEO before he resigned in 2000 to run for vice president. He has revealed on financial disclosure statements that he has received $1,997,525 from Halliburton since taking office, the New York Times reported. But it is not, as Kerry implies, related to the Iraq contracts. The bulk of the pay, $1.4 million, was a bonus deferred from 1999. The rest was deferred salary."


At 1:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand completely Lorika. It takes a lot of time and effort to track down someone's social appearances to prove they stood next to someone they claim to have not met.

Hard-hitting stuff that.

Who has time to check out piddling details like the actual cost of a war? Or verify accusations of profiteering.

By all means..carrrry on!


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