Save Us President Bush, Save Us!
"If we make the wrong choice, then the danger is that we'll get hit again - that we'll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States..."
It's unfortunate, but people actually buy this load of crap. Sure, things have changed over the course of the past few years - airline security is tighter, people are more vigilant, no doubt the intelligence community is working harder, hell President Bush is probably even reading security briefs these days. Do you feel any safer?
I don't. Perhaps these actions have made us a little safer, however any increase in safety can surely be cancelled out by the number of new enemies that we've created around the world with our war on terror. Iraq and Afganistan are hardly peaceful places right now.
And further, what evidence is there to suggest John Kerry wouldn't be as vigilant and tough on terror? Obviously he isn't going be playing "Cold War" like the current administration was doing before 9/11. Counterterrorism? What's that? And it's not like he's going to make things any worse - surely he lacks the cocky bravado that shines so brightly from the windows of the oval office.
Sorry Dick, I'm just not buying it. Maybe you'll spook some people into voting for George W. Bush, but hopefully voters are paying attention the state of things in regards to jobs, tax cuts for the wealthy, education, healthcare (for civilians and our troops), the environment, the cost of war and all of the other reasons that it should be clear that we need to cut our losses and give the current administration the boot on November 2nd.
According to the Associated Press, Cheney has backtracked on the 'wrong choice' comment: "I did not say if Kerry is elected, we will be hit by a terrorist attack. My point was the question before us is, will we have the most effective policy in place to deal with that threat? George Bush will pursue a more effective policy than John Kerry."
But he's dissembling as usual. It doesn't take an expert in symbolic logic to parse the meaning of the original quote: "It's absolutely essential that eight weeks from today, on Nov. 2, we make the right choice, because if we make the wrong choice then the danger is that we'll get hit again and we'll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States."
IF we make "the wrong choice" (i.e. electing Kerry), THEN we'll be hit again. Kerry's election is therefore a necessary condition for another terrorist attack, according to Cheney.
Of course Cheney's denial of this is the usual sidestepping-the-muck dance that Bush-Cheney are wont to do during this campaign, and I have to say that Bush has been doing a lot of "declining to comment" these days too...
Welcome to the Blogosphere gents. I'm looking forward to reading some hard-hitting, factual lefty information.
In the likelyhood however that my anticipation is rewarded with the same results that have met the folks camped on the outskirts of Roswell I'll settle for some inchoate socialist ramblings with a local focus.
One hopefully helpful hint:
Apple MAC's are no more water-proof than PC's so don't pass the bong while writing.
"Gents"? Now THAT'S the beer bong talking. There's women among us too y'know...
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