Now It's Bush's Time To Squirm...
Hello, Democrats. Yes, you... you can come out of hiding now. The sky isn't falling. We're still in this thing. And, yes, we're fighting back, with or without some of you. And now, as the wonderfully brilliant and probably very sexy Sid Blumenthal says, it's Bush's time to squirm.
And, though I myself find it very hard to take a woman named Kitty very seriously, her new book has plenty 'o Republicrats puking over themselves to discredit her. Is her book true? Who cares!? It sounds damn hilarious. Bush lining up the eight balls at Camp David. Clandestine abortions. Rampant alcoholism. A young and very vulgar pre-Jesus Dubya going AWOL from the National Guard. Bush tokin' the green. Sounds absolutely riveting. Shit, if I would have known about all that stuff in 2000, dude might have gotten my vote! In any case, it will be interesting to see what comes of it.
Certainly can't be any more fiction than Unfit For Command. And that, in an age where debate is reduced to 10-second sound-bytes, and truth is more about perception than reality, is all we can really ask.
You guys just want to turn our country over to Frenchie!
Seriously though - it is our country and our vote. It's interesting (thought predictable) that the rest of the world wants Anyone But Bush, but certainly the Kerry campaign should NOT draw attention to it. Kerry's best argument for int'l cooperation is that it's our sons and daughters dying over there. We're footing the bill and taking the risks, but we shouldn't be doing it alone.
I hope the Bush/Rove camp does do a little squirming. I see that there were some new memos found that talk about W's suspension from flying. (More here)If anybody's "Unfit for Command," it's W. Of course I'm preaching to the choir here. Speaking of which, I love that "216 people recommended Reading Mastery II: Storybook 2, Rainbow Edition instead of Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry." Tee hee hee.
Power Line has a pretty thorough rundown of the unfolding authenticity debate. I don't think I've ever seen 187 trackbacks before.
Regarding the forged Bush documents: I'm surprised nobody's mentioned the Pumpkin Papers and that cursed Woodstock typewriter ribbon yet.
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